Had a blast in Boonville, MO with CMMG.
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Johnny Baggins
PO Box 8021
Johnson City, TN 37615
©180 Second Ideas, 2020
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I missed this episode on my 60th birthday. We can only dream about autos in Cali…
Don’t let the Barney fife routine fool you. He’s got a PhD.
I need a CMMG full auto banshee 10mm for bear defense… darn NFA and Hughes amendment
Wish you got a gift bag Johnny! A banshee, a couple of mags, suppressor, a can of oil…:) I’m looking over this company now. They got some wicked weapons!
Too much fun! You look like you had a blast, literally. TY
Man, that looks fun!!!! Loved it!
Looked like a kid in a candy store !!! Glad you guys had a blast. Literally. America !!!
Johnny said my name!
Screaming like a school girl! I would too if I had that much fun! xD
<— machine guns are fun!
You should have been paid cause that's a commercial.
Johnny, you were having way too much fun. Jello in Mt.
Mizzur-uh, my friend. Glad to see you in God's country. I'm so proud of my home state.
How do you gey around the 1986 ban on automatics?
Was that a camera trick? Or do you shoot left and right handed. Pretty cool if so. Im a lefty. Looked like a good time to me.
God bless American and the Gun's that keep it free
That looks like FUN!
What made America the gratis Country in the world? It was the heard work and the independent of it's Citizens and their Constitution and the it's believe in Liberty and Freedom
put some of them guns to use love the video

Damn so jealous
…glad you had a good time!
Story time (inspired by the bit right at the end of the video about giggling): when I was stationed in Georgia I had a friend who grew up in NY and he wanted more firearms practice. This was the mid-80s so we really did not put a lot of rounds down range in the military, and he was USAF anyway. Well, he and his wife came out for Thanksgiving dinner and I grabbed an old carbine, ran him through the short course and we all headed out to the local dump (Rat Town) just to fire off a few rounds while dinner was in the oven. Now his wife, I should note, was very liberal and not too happy he was in the USAF and wanted to know more about guns. So, we had just got to RT when I spotted an old cinder block and put it on one of the berms. We got about 30 yrds back, I touched off a round, and the block exploded literally into dust. We BOTH BUSTED OUT LAUGHING! His wife was freaked and literally yelled at us with venom in her voice "what are you laughing at?" We stopped laughing, looked at each other, and started laughing again. She decided to spend the rest of the time (maybe 20 minutes) back in the car. I have no idea why, but watching that block disintegrate tickled our funny bones…and I still giggle about it to this day.
Machine guns are cool and just the weapon to keep at bay from any who might attempt to abuse us–especially our own government!
Awesome!!!!!!!!! I like CMMG
If you can pass a background check there's no reason why you can't buy machine guns and other NFA weapons over the counter just like any other gun !!
It looked like big time FUN
I'm not gonna lie- I giggled with you!

Say hello to my little friends

If someone mag dumps and doesn't giggle like a school girl that's the one I'm gunna be watching like a hawk…
Dang J! I’m a little J-ello! Bet your arms were too. Lol.
10-4 on giggling like a little girl when we get really excited about something WE think is AWESOME!!!!
So are brand NEW fully automatic weapons legal for civilians to own? I thought they had to be pre-1987.
Excellent video!
Proud to be from Missouri, one of the freest states in the country.
All the guns in this video should fall under constitutional carry laws for all 50 states!
Keep rocking Johnny. How's the finger?