In the aftermath of the recent Boulder, Colorado mass shooting (which involved a Ruger 556 w/ a pistol brace), expect to see executive action banning these devices ie: bumpstocks after Las Vegas

Will this curtail gun violence? Likely, no effect. But a predictable response none the less.

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  1. In my state, (MI) they have to be registered as a pistol so the Michigan State Police knows if you have one. I had been thinking of getting an AR pistol but have been holding back because BATF has been waffling on the brace issue.

  2. I enjoyed your gun news 👍
    Tragically mass shootings may just be part of the modern world, much like a drug overdose is.
    Trying to make 1 billion guns in America disappear seems futile.
    Even as I type this , I heard of a guy with 200,000 rounds of 5.56 ammo.
    I heard of another guy who has an underground concrete bunker with 20 M16’s 
    I heard of another guy with a 100 cases of 7N6 ammo.
    I heard of another guy that has over 200 Egyptian Maadi rifles from the 1980’s.
    We want even bring up how many grenades, claymores & USAF stamped Beretta 92 pistols have made their way back home from Saudi, Iraq & Afghanistan to an America G.I’s closet.
    Pretending that the U.S. government is NOW or EVER will somehow be in control of AR’s or other weapons in America seems like make believe to me 😇

  3. The government says….
    Until the debate is “the constitution says…” we lose, every time.
    Executive action was used by Obama to change the Affordable care act, there is your precedent.

  4. For a moment, I thought the title read, "*AIR*" pistols!!! Like what the dick tater of kanada ruled recently!!! No more airsoft, BB guns, or paintball!!! ALL BANNED !!!!! Stay vigilant, people. Thanks for the video, David.

  5. Leave my right to defend myself with the tool of MY choosing alone.
    How about this: if the individual in Boulder did and is found guilty of murdering all those people, immediately take him to a gallows and hang him by the neck until dead? And mandatory broadcast it on all media evening news. It's time the homicidal psychopaths pay in kind for their crimes.

  6. The Constitution does not put any kind of limitations on our firearms such as length of barrel, how loud or quite it is or how many rounds it can hold. Liberals put the unconstitutional limitations on them. The part of the supreme law of the land that they fail to understand is " Shall not Infringe"! And now they are calling gun owners domestic threats after eavesdropping on Americas phones and hearing people say that they are not going to tolerate tyranny by this fake administration.

  7. Wow boulders police force is horrible man. First Jon Benay Ramsey ( i know I spelled that wrong lol) then the serial kil ler now this. They really need to look at that police force because they got some serious problems going on there.

  8. The victory with Bump Stocks will likely give pause. Nothing will stop these power hungry authoritarian collectivists from their true goal of complete domination through the ultimate destruction of The Bill of Rights and The U.S. Constitution!

  9. I don't understand liberal thinking, they want to place the blame for these types of events on the inanimate objects used by the criminals instead of facing the fact that it's the individual to blame not to mention the fact that our Politicians allowed a certain religious culture known for killing one another into America, if this group couldn't live together with others that followed their religious philosophy in peace, you would think our Politicians would have been smart enough to figure out they couldn't or wouldn't live peacefully alongside a people that doesn't believe in religion or follow any religious philosophy,, many of which believe they came from rocks, and/or monkeys, but this group has been at war with their own kind throughout history, it's common for them to stone civilians to death in the streets, when you're dealing with people that only want to kill others they will use whatever they can find that's capable of accomplishing the task at hand, whether it's a hammer, a knife, a baseball bat, an axe, an automobile, or a rock, or any number of other inanimate objects, but in America it just so happens we have the right to bear arms which this certain group of individuals exploit to their advantage when and if they decide they're going to kill their anti-religious neighbors, no it's not the fault of the gun, Americans have always had guns we weren't out killing one another for a national pass time but this religious group from the middle east were.

  10. We've discussed these "pistols" over the years. Whether in AR or AK form – these rifle caliber "pistols" are functionally SBRs. We all know that. These "pistols" with braces are a way to get an SBR without getting an SBR. The same way a bump stock and binary trigger are a way to have a machine gun without having a machine gun. I don't have a problem with that – but the ATF does. The ATF has been after these "pistols" on and off for years. As you noted the whole, "you can shoulder it / you can't shoulder it" thingy. Eventually, these end-runs around the NFA all suffer the same fate. Government doesn't like being embarrassed or end-run about. I also noted a while ago that the first time someone uses one of these rifle caliber "pistols" in a crime, they'll be labeled SBRs. Are they more lethal than a 16" rifle? Of course not. More concealable yes. Rifle caliber "pistols" sacrifice muzzle velocity and energy to give you immense muzzle blast and flash. Now, if we were take something like an MP5 with the regular SMG-length barrel and put a "brace" on it rather than a stock – and it's still a pistol – that makes sense. It's a pistol firing a pistol caliber round.

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