Home AR-15 People who load there AR-15 mags to 29 rounds are mentally ill

People who load there AR-15 mags to 29 rounds are mentally ill


There are tons of discussions on forums and videos on YouTube about this topic on loading your mags down to 28 or 29 rounds. After many years I have found this practice is totally retarded and useless on modern produced AR-15 and AK type mags along with numerous Glock and other pistol type magazines.

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  1. It’s always been about seating on a closed bolt and for tac reloads…That 1 less round makes a big difference on the force needed to insert. For range use just load 30, but if you’re topping off for a “tactical reload” in a gunfight you don’t lock the bolt back.you would have a live round in the chamber and if you had 30 rounds in the mag ,when you fire the round that was chambered it’s sometimes to much tension pushing up on the belly of the carrier and it can slow the carrier down enough to cause a misfeed.it’s also ammo dependent.hotter loaded ammo can overcome it easier than weak stuff.it’s less likely to happen to a worn in mag but it can happen.now people can always test it with their rifle to see.take your go to rifle and the mags/ammo of your choice, load 1 in the chamber and insert fully loaded 30 round mag and press the trigger, if it loads the next round you’re good but if it hangs up then load 29.

  2. Here's the thing:
    1. The proper way of loading a rifle (AR) period is to already have the bolt back. That way, when your 30-round mag is open, it chambers the first round in anyway.
    2. New mags need to break in. Thats probably where they get the "wear" from when the spring loosens up a bit. People dont understand mechanics. Even a new part to a car has a break-in period.
    3. Most Youtube Operators ("Im gonna dump a whole bunch of rounds into targets at spitting distance for the cool factor") just want to be seen.
    4. You forgot to cut to scenes of you shooting fast transitioning targets and running around in the open like an idiot.
    5. Videos I hate:
    a) AR15 vs AR10
    b) AR15 vs AK47 (which one is better / which to buy)
    c) Dont buy an AR15 (super clickbait)
    d) This (insert weapon) sucks (another clickbait)
    e) Olight reviews (entry-level youtube star wannabe)

  3. i keep my who knows how old surplus ak mags fully loaded at all times and they never miss a beat, modern springs are better made, down loading makes no sense, and the same will hold true to AR's and just about anything else made today that isnt made like junk

  4. I say fill your magazines to their full capacity because you never can tell if you’re going to need those rounds to save you life or a loved one’s life.
    I sure hope a lot of the newbie firearms owners see this video. Any little bit of common sense will help them in the long run and prevent them from being just another asshole with a gun.

  5. I’m brand new to AR 15’s and you’re the first I’ve heard to say this, all the other channels say 28. I kinda thought these are brand new magazines, but the supposed experts say 28. Thanks for the info.

  6. I honestly thought you were gonna reference the car's coil springs on the axle when filling the tank to full and say "are you afraid filling your tank up will wear out the springs on your car?". These dudes do have a mental illness if they think that's how springs work. Fun fact, springs do not wear in either the fully compressed or fully released position (or any place in between for that matter) if the spring never moves.

    The "wear" that occurs in springs occurs during from their travel over time. In other words, if you load a magazine to capacity, another halfway and don't load a third magazine, they will all last the same amount of time before the springs go bad. The 4th magazine that you frequently load and unload and cause the spring to move continually will be the one that wears out the fastest. And even then that's gonna take a while.

  7. Yea call me a f@G if you want but I do download my AR mags by a couple because sometimes it can be hard to insert them on a closed bolt if they’re loaded to capacity and I figure 28 vs 30 rounds isn’t going to affect much in a fight. Yea that’s right I’m a g@ylord

  8. Modern mags don’t have the issue of being loaded to 30 , it is a military thing to load to 28 due to mags being heavily used an abused for military service, it originally started with 20 round mags in nam being loaded to 20 and had issues so 18 was the number to keep reliable and probably translated over to 30s in military service. , big difference of use and abuse to a individual who purchased a brand new mag and is competent to inspect and maintain them compare to joe snuffy in the military who’s use and value of mags is more expendable. Soldiers or military members don’t inspect mags as much as a civilian does sounds strange but it’s true . When you use a mag your using Your mag in the military your using a used beat up whore of a mag that’s been tossed around like a squad fluffer

  9. 29 rounds? Why not 20 rounds? Maybe you should download to 15 rounds just to be safe? We don't want to load too many rounds in, otherwise, the magazine will be too hard to seat.

  10. If you always reload on a open bolt, then loading to 30 is fine.. but if you expect to do any other form of reload where you still have a round chambered, down load your mags to 28… in a perfect world, you'll shoot all 30rds and the bolt locks back and you'll insert another mag and hit the bolt release, in the real world you'll shoot a bunch and have a little bit of rounds left and you may want to top off your gun, to get more rounds in there with ease… 28 vs 30 its not a big difference i do 28, it makes it easier

  11. Here's my 2 cents, for military/defensive applications downloading your mags to 28/29 is absolutely valid. The main reason being that it makes it easier to seat the mag when you're topping off the rifle (I hate the phrase "tactical reload"). To address your reasoning, it doesn't make sense to lock the bolt open on an ar 15 in any scenario that you'd be needing to top off a rifle. The whole tapping the bottom of the magazine to ensure it's seated on the other hand is reasonable if slightly unfeasible since you'd be handling to mags with one hand if you're doing a typical "top off" reload. The only magazine I personally have been able to seat on a closed bolt with 30 rounds repeatedly without tapping the base plate is the gen 3 pmag.

  12. I’m no expert I won’t pretend to know what’s best but I’ve heard several former special ops guys here on YouTube like M1 Garand and that guy from Warrior Poet Society say the reason you only load to 29 has something to do with the magazine sometimes not seating properly and popping back out.

  13. what i learned in my time as an oil mercenary is the 28 round idea came from problems of a tactical reload with GI mags. since GI mags didnt have anti tilt followers until recently it would put too much pressure on a fully loaded mag and cause malfunctions. if you are doing that with magpul mags then yes it is stupid.
    EDIT: and the new brownell mags. those are so awesome.

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