Stern Defense MAG-AD9 AR-15 Glock 9MM Conversion Adapter Test and Review
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Mag adapter or 9mm lower?
I have a PSA 9mm upper with a PSA 9mm bolt. Will it run with those?
Great information
my question in what UPPERS are compatible…because i wanted a foxtrot 9mm upper but on their fine print it said to go with sylvian adapter and not with Stern sadly…why is that….Can anyone help please??? i really wanted the FM one.
Does the BCG have to be configured for 9mm for this to work?
Did you order this from the getstern website or a second party website?
Thanks for the review. Very informative yet not long winded.
Some people gave this adapter a bad review, said it had feed issues. Said the front edge of the feed ramp would catch the hollow point or case mouth. I figured the ramp may need a little dremel work at worst. Did you see any potential for that? Did you fire any hollow point ammunition?
Noice little product!
Nice, I finally bit the bullet and ordered one, it was the last part I needed to rebuild my main beater to pistol cal.
Less serialized receivers to track back to me and more modularity.