Today let’s take a quick look at the Streamlight Macrostream USB EDC Flashlight. I have had this in my every day carry rotations for a while. Is it the perfect flashlight for every day carry? Maybe this video will help you decide.
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Hmmm I’m thinking the Protac 1L-1AA beats this hands down. Nonetheless, it looks great and is a tempting buy!
I use the Microstream and found the 50 lumens very useful for illuminating my room or for walks; not too much, not too low, perfect spot for urban carry in my opinion. I may get a Macrostream in the future for extra runtimes on 50 plus extra punch if required.
Been carrying the olight M2R (1200 lumen) for a couple years. It’s hard to go to a lower lumen light but I might just try this out.
Put dialetric grease on the 2 o rings and the sleeve will seat and slide much better.
I never used to carry a flashlight as part of my edc until about two years ago. Now I wonder how I ever got by without it
#1. CCDL & Hug a Fudd
I'm a huge fan of streamlight rechargeable lights. I have several and all have exceeded my expectations except the Stinger HL model. So far the difference in brightness compared to the Stinger LED is negligible at best, but battery life between charges is much shorter. The StylusPro usb is still my daily carry after years of use that border on abuse with only a warranty tailcap/switch replacement. Still running the original battery.
Had one drop it in the grass and found when the mower hit it. It still works.
I like my microstream and microstream usb. All of my edc stuff is 1AAA configuration because its easy to carry. I was never a fan of rechargeable stuff until i ran out of batteries. The 90 lumens from a standard microstream is adequate to me for what i use, however i enjoy the boost i get from the microstream usb. I didnt mind my olight i3t and i5t lights but i found the switches get full of garbage and wear out prematurely. I have never had issues with my streamlight switches. Love em.
I think the greatest thing about Olight, they forced the better brands to lower their price to be more affordable.