Body camera footage shows Douglas County sheriff’s deputy Brad Proux shooting a suspect who got out of his car holding an assault rifle. Proux had seen a white SUV stopped on the side of a road while on patrol. He pulled over to assist the motorist only to be confronted by Deyon Marcus Rivas-Maestas. Proux shot Rivas-Maestas once in the arm. Rivas-Maestas was booked Wednesday into the Douglas County jail on a charge of first-degree assault against a police officer. Read the story:
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guy unable to get off the ground
Damn, that criminal has a long ass name.
That’s where training kicked in. Nice draw officer
Throws.an ar 15 at a sherrif …i did t do anything!
He through the gun instead of firing it at the police..ik I sound evil but he's stupid
Get on the ground get on the ground get on the ground get on the ground " I am on the ground" Stupid!
Damn backup was slow
Was s stupid waste from the genepool. Charge with the butt of rifle. He intended to smah the cop's face in, but didn't count in his training. He kept scream I didn't do anything.., well the video says otherwise and the judge will judge attemoted murder on officer. What a class A jackass. Most officers would emptied their clip and recharge the gun it if he didn't comply after this stunt. This cop is a class A good officer for resisting the temptation to keep shooting.
Gave it a thumbs down because he didn't kill the bad guy. He'll get out one day and seriously hurt or kill somebody and for them 12 yrs he's in prison the working class people will have to feed and house this prick
Death penalty
0:35 don’t mOvE
Holy doodle he hut the officer so hard he broke the butt of the gun on him
that guys whole hand looks like it got blown off!!!!!
Man it would take total restraint not to execute someone that almost just killed you
wtf that kid is a dumb ass
Thumbnail he looks like a kid
You can hear the fear in the cops voice when he says Shots fired shots fired shots fired
My Mom and I have watched All Live PD and Body Cam episodes
My Mom says:This is a graphic police video
Respect to the Boys(and Gals) in Blue. People should apricate the level of danger they are trained and sometimes expected to deal with. Damn hes fast.
Why didn't he shoot more he actually had a gun
If he was a real trained officer he would have reacted after the man aim the gun straight at him! He shot when he through the gun at him
cops like shooting people and people in the comments say this is a good job from a officer
what is the world?
he smashed his hand totaly omg
Wow, what an asshole cop. The dude was clearly trying to play "dodge AR15". The cop was supposed to catch it and throw it back.
heart attack simulator
People who is against cops deserve this
man really just said i didn’t do anything, not like he tried to shoot an officer
If that guy had some one I the back set that cop would be dun CU's thy could of shot him on the spot but this bid was mad
Did he throw himself on the back or he got knocked down?
Tried to knock my mans out with a semi automatic assault rifle Dafuq
great shot.
I hate that you can hear the fear in the cops voice
It all can change in an instant…
What in the hell was this stupid asshole trying to do? He tired to hit the officer with an AR15?
“I didn’t do nothin” the classic cry of criminals
I for sure tagged this area shortly afterwards
See cops have guns for a reason
Dumb suspect: "I tried to attack a police officer with a rifle, but I still didn't do anything."
Since I am in the army I can't do anything unless the suspect is on military wanted list
good shooting
Wow! He made a HUGE mistake going to the other side without assessing the cons
it happens that quick folks… this is why police shot so quickly. it only takes a second for someone to pull a gun.
At 0:32 this is called an adrenaline dump when your fight or flight is triggered beyond what it ever has been, I know what this is like and I feel terrible for the cop but much respect for how he collected himself a lot of people can’t do that they freeze up