Home AR-15 Gun Gripes #283: "Why the AR-15 is the Best Rifle"

Gun Gripes #283: "Why the AR-15 is the Best Rifle"


In this Gun Gripe we go over our thoughts and opinions on why we feel the AR-15 is the best rifle available today, period. Cue the AR haters in 3, 2,1….




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  1. The real Achilles-heel ot the AR is it's inability to reliably fire/cycle in extreme cold environments. No nordic country uses a di AR15/M4 for its military and that is the reason why. Can you mess about with a totally dry gun etc? Sure, but it's not practical. Also going in and out between warm houses or vehicles and the freezing cold will cause condensation that freezes solid. The AR design doesn't do too well with that.

  2. There have been studies that show a heavier projectile such as from an AK47 tend to overpenetrate because of the larger mass maintaining its high forward momentum due to the energy of the projectile being sufficient to pass through and through soft targets. However as we all know overpentration simply means, "I didn't transfer the energy of the bullet into the target", and, "I didn't create enough large enough cavitation damage only a penetration hole." I have never understood why people are so drawn to the 7.62×39 since it literally has worse ballistic performance on target in every way.

    The 5.56/.223 round has a very high energy and extreme velocity however unlike most conical rifle bullets the 5.56 round has one key difference that enables it to kill which is that the small grain and quickly moving round tumbles upon impact at high velocity and causing massive cavitation damage typically enough to kill in one or two shots.

    Overpenetration = energy wasted, limited cavitation, no tumble upon impact.

    The AR-15 makes up in actual performance what all these "muscle car" rounds are sending out as scary exhaust noise.

  3. Full bullshit, compare real reliability of AR vs Ak, BUT NOT 47 – you idiots. you have now full range from 74 to AK12, it is MUCH better than any AR on the market

  4. Gas impingement sucks ass. I wonder why SOCOM don't use flashy gas imp m4s. THEY USE mk18s and m416s! Those guns Piston drive our boys home from the shit. Stoner got our boys killed or rather the US gov. This is the "ls the best" mentality without the reliability lmaoo.

  5. My favorite part of the AR is that I can and have completely built them from the ground up and I find it amazing that with minimal tools and know how you can build them any way you'd like and if you dont like it just keep changing stuff on it. They really are the best platform available.

  6. There’s better guns for certain tasks, like I would rather have an MP5 in a close quarters role where over penetration is a concern, but in terms of rifles it’s hard to beat the AR-15’s modularity, need a 5lbs rifle to haul on a 400mi hike? Done. Need a LMG/Neo-Automatic Rifle? M27 IAR, you can do anything with the platform with hardly any modifications

  7. Maybe a stupid question.. i am from holland and weapons are illegal here.. But what's the difference between a m16 and AR15 ? Or is the m16 also a AR5 ? But beautiful AR15 on your table… wish i had one.

  8. The Lord came to Ugene Stoner one night and said "Eugene, the AR-10 is good but we can make it better. But how Lord?, fear not Eugene we will do it together." Or at least that's how I think it went, LoL 😂

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