Home StreamLight Glock 20 sf tactical light cheap vs Streamlight TLR-1s

Glock 20 sf tactical light cheap vs Streamlight TLR-1s


Tac light comparision and info. $35 no name about 65 lumens my best guess and a Streamlight TLR-1s 160 lumens and well over $100.

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  1. not having a clip isn't the right answer. Since you have a glock go unload it and then pull the trigger and notice what happens. maybe then you can give me the right answer when you watch the video.

  2. Your attempt at humor is as bad as your knowledge of Glocks. If you look closely at the video again you would notice something telling you the gun is safe. Unless you don't even own a Glock then you will never know.

  3. @drsjr1969 i just ordered a TRL-1S last night after about 2-3 of research an your video helped me seal the deal ………….ill be mounting mine on a G20 also then maybe gettin the long slide an barrel then callin it a day

  4. @BradMr1975 thanks it really shows how great the streamlight is. even the reflection off white walls in the house in the middle of the night hurt my eyes at first. anyone on the receiving end of its strobe at night will be seeing nothing but spots for a few min's.

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