Home CMMG BKingsFirearms.com Lower Parts Kit Failure Mode: Springs No Worky! (BKF AR15 LPK)

BKingsFirearms.com Lower Parts Kit Failure Mode: Springs No Worky! (BKF AR15 LPK)


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  1. Holy fucking shit. Ammo & AR Apocalypse is only 1.5 days away. 2021 predictions. Julian Assange gets a pardon. Gun channels booted from Social media unless they kiss Beijing Joe's cock ring. Ammo will be restricted. AR pistols and 80% lowers will be gone. AR's & AK's will be restricted. Illegals will get fast track citizenship. Illegals will pour into America. Biden will raise minimum wage. MSM and Social Media will praise Biden has the greatest President ever but not quite as good as OBOZO. Patriots will be labeled as domestic terrorist.

  2. Hammer Spring is definitely on backwards which drops the weight a bunch……I love all these expert gunsmiths coming out of the woodwork lately. When his trigger walks out and locks up his trigger he will probably blame the mfg for that too LOL

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