You just bought a brand new AR rifle and you need help on the safe handling, shooting and operating this excellent firearm. I have 36 years of experience shooting the M16 and AR-15 rifles and I will show you how to safely handle, load, operate, aim, and fire your new rifle. Are you using the correct ammo? Iron sights, red dot or rifle scope? Let me help.
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This is so wholesome, learned alot about AR15s thanks to this vid! Really helped!
I've always deer hunted with a 30/30. In the last year I've purchased a Canik tp9sf elite 9mm and a kimber 380. A AR 15 is next on my list. Because those dam deer are getting trickier.

I must have one!! Excellent video
Here ya go…much better than the old glock videos!!!!!
I was shooting M 16's at 17 years old. I'm 52 now. Still have an AR 15, The wife has a Ruger 10-22. Both are capable from 0 to 200 yards. But as the man said safety first! Owning a gun can be a curse or a blessing it all depends on how well your taught!
Before you go out and spend a lot of money. A Ruger 10-22 is a hell of a nice rifle to learn with. It's cheap, Fun, Accurate, with several nice options. And still packs a punch at close range with hollow points. Roughly 1/3 to 1/2 the cost of the AR 15. If you enjoy it, Nothing wrong with taking that next step. If not then hey I just saved you $700.00.
Q: What's a "K-Mart" ?? LOL Oh, you didn't talk about the dust cover.
Dude!! Thank you. From one CCW/owner of a rock n roll AR-15 that I had a retired military sniper friend of mine trick out to another… I, like another responder here never really wanted one till it became apparent that at some point we wouldn’t be able to obtain one. If you’re gonna have one, may as well trick it out & get proficient with it. Never thought I’d want an FN57 either. But I own both now. With mucho ammo for both!!! Them there are my “WTSHTF” duo…. keep your ammo dry & your weapons oiled, ya’ll. Be ready & willing… & above all… BE SAFE!!!!! Stay sharp & aim high. Nuff said
You must really hate k mart
Excellent Video!!! A+
And one of those yellow or red flag thingys that you can stick in the action works real good too.
Get some….
Is this Nevada? Those mountains seem familiar. . .
Great video covering the basics well, thank you for taking the time to make & share it!
I am thinking of buying my first rifle, and I saw this video – excellent video. I would like to buy the exact one; could you kindly tell us what you have, and any special upgrade that you bought with this riffle? Thank you.
Awesome video thanks for putting this out there!
Great video, sir! I am keen on the S&W Sport II. It would be my first AR. Very informative, clear, and friendly video! Much appreciation and you got a new sub!
Thank you so much for another wonderful video. Your instruction was so clear that even I could understand it!
This is a GREAT instructional video for anyone new to the AR-15 series of rifles
Liked and Subscribed. Thank you for uploading a beginners guide. I will take the instructions in mind because can't own a gun in my country.
GREAT video… Salute!
Very nice style of presenting. You are knowledgeable like a veteran and you personality is genuine . Captivating! . I will be referencing this treasure of a video. Thanks.
Excellent video Ray!! thanks
Very informative
Burned fingers have been there done that.. On a 30-06…
Great video good insight and simple instructions!
Getting proper training is a must if your going to own one.
For an old fart like me, having a step-by-step, conversational video like this was really helpful. Wish "mixup98" gave us his name–even a moniker so I could personalize my response. This is a thorough run-through which should allow anyone new to this rifle to go from WTF to being able to use it and not kill themselves or an innocent bystander.
High marks for good videography and nearfield focus. Favorite part: the satisfied, "Yeah!" after some rapid fire rounds. Keep up good work, MixUp!
Every AR-15 video I see, the charging handle seems to just be easy as pie to operate. The ones I've had experience with were really difficult to pull back, even to the point of causing pain in my fingers. What am I doing wrong?
This man cannot be trusted to conduct a firearm instructor video because he cannot even ID his rifle properly. Joe Biden even said that this is an AR-14 assault rifle
. For the record theres no such thing as an AR-14 or an "assault" rifle. Assault is an action, not a weapon. This is simply an AR-15 rifle. Thanks for the video in all seriousness! Great for anyone to watch and learn whether experienced or not.
I have this almost same exact rifle. A ruger with identical od green colors with adjustable butt stock nearly just like this one. My only modification is a $600 scope. Its amazing to say the least. I'm a former comat Army vet and have been out since 2010 and I was able to zero it with under 12 rounds. My 18 yr old daughter fired it and was her first firing any weapon and she hit 12 inch steel plates at 200+ yards away by her 2nd shot. I was so proud. It never jams and could even b dry fired although I wouldn't recommend making that a habit. I'd recommend to anyone whether ur experienced or not.
im english so theres no guns