Home AR-15 Building vs. Assembling an AR-15: Get Over Yourselves

Building vs. Assembling an AR-15: Get Over Yourselves


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  1. I feel you bro I definitely feel alienated because I hate Glocks and will do shit like put a Geissele upper on a Anderson Lower I dont think you would be saying "jUsT aS gOoD" if you got shot with it and that's just one example great vid btw

  2. I hate how the gun community can be so toxic like it almost doesnt want new people. We are not gonna get relaxed gun laws unless we get everyone to have one. And that wont happen being gate keepers.

  3. Is building an AR difficult, not really. Neither is building a computer. Same concept, both are built from existing parts. I don't have to mine the gold, silicon, and copper to consider my computer built. I selected the parts, I put them together, its a build. Same goes for the AR platform

    Only time I'd agree with the internet "experts" is in the case of a pre-assembled upper going on a pre assembled lower. Oh, and Counterstrike.

  4. LOL!! You are right, the gun community is it's own worst enemy. That is true in almost every sense. The last time I posted, it was on the gunboards Lee Enfield forum. Lot of "internet experts" chimed in to cut me down. There were some nice users that gave support. That was the first and last time I posted. It won't change. It'll make it easy for them to take our guns away.

  5. Counterstrike. People tend to get wrapped up in identities (hmm…you really see it in those folks who want to ban the 2nd Amendment)…I am a firm supporter of anyone who purchases, builds (assembles), or otherwise acquires (without stealing) a firearm and who also supports my right to have firearms. I've been fortunate; hell I didn't build my first AR until just a handful of years ago, right before I retired from the Marines. I had a lot of great friends, people who were quite honestly way BETTER shooters than me despite 20 years of service (because we're not all frigging Recon in the Marines) who helped me build guns and learn some great shooting tips. Biggest thing I've found, at least with the folks I associate with, tends to be that the more money you spend and/or snazzy gun you buy (and the more shit you talk) the less proficient you are at firing the damned weapon. This doesn't mean some trash talking and friendly bets on marksmanship between friends isn't a good idea (I encourage it), it really means don't be that guy with your first impression, and don't stifle people who want to become good at an important skill which is also a helluva fun hobby.

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