Home AR-15 Ar15 SBR Build – Custom 7.5" SBR (short barrel riffle) AR15 Build...

Ar15 SBR Build – Custom 7.5" SBR (short barrel riffle) AR15 Build – SBR ar15 Build


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In this video you will see the overview of my SBR (short barrel riffle) AR-15 Build. There will be a follow up video done at the range where I will also review the Vortex Sparc 2 red-dot sight.

The lower is made by JD Machine Tech. The 7.5″ upper is from Hardened Arms. The parts kit was from Tom’s Tactical. I have added links to these website below:

Tom’s Tactical:
Hardened Arms:
JD Machine Tech:

Note: I did submit for and received my ATF SBR Tax Stamp for this firearm given that its barrel length is under 16″ and it values under a NFA classification. Please note that until you have received this stamp approved by the ATF, you should not attached an SBR upper to a rifle registered lower.

Be sure to check back for the range review video.

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  1. Really looking building/buying an sbr AR15, sounds great for home defense or if shit goes down, I like the idea of a smaller weapon to manipulate it easier, especially around corners

  2. I was about to go with harden arms on my recent and first AR-15 build. However I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. I wanted a 1&7 twist with a heat treated nitrite etc barrel as well as a chrome lined barrel with M lok rail . Basically I live in FL and as the AK has a chrome lined barrel I wanted the same in the AR for protection and longevity. I found a barreled assembly at CORE RIFLE SYSTEMS. WITH ALL THE ABOVE . FOR UNDER $400 .I drove to pick it up at there facility as it is in FL . I just CHECKED THEIR SIGHT AND THEY ARE SAYING THEY ARE SOLD OUT? i GOT A GOOD DEAL IT IS THE CORE TAC3 UPPER – BARRELED ASSEMBLY. Had I bought the whole TAC 3 rifle it is priced about 1200 . Crazy I remember the guy mentioning that yea it only makes seance to get the upper. I dropped in a brownells NIK BORON BCG COST $99 AND ALSO BOUGHT AN AMBI CHARGE HANDEL FROM CORE FOR $28 WHEN i PICKED UP THE BARRELED ASSEMBLY SO 420 FOR THE SO ALL TOGETHER THE WHOLE COMPLETED UPPER TOTALED WITH NICKLE BORON BCG ,AMBI CHARGE HANDEL AND THE A CHROME LINED BARREL 1/7 TWIST THE UPPER CAME WITH A FULL LENGTH MIDWEST INDUSTRIES RAIL FOR 520.00$ https://core15rifles.com/core15-tac-iii-upper-clone-en-2.html CORE15® TAC III BARRELED UPPER
    $367.00 CODE:19188
    Availability:Out-of-stock I think if one were to call them and ask they would make a lot of there own parts ,barrels etc it for you. They make and assemble them in house.

  3. See Here in Canada AR15s are all the same regulation so we can do what ever we want to them.

    Small catch we can only do it at a gun range and you need a permit to transport the firearm.

    I can hunt deer with an XCR, Tar21, X95, or hundreds if not thousands of other black rifles… even AR15s that do not comply to the original upper and lower patent. So if the upper will not fit on and operate with the original lower and or vice versa they are not AR15S in Canada.

    We can also hunt with the AR10. But an actual AR15 the world comes to an end and Liberals start to cry!

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