Home StreamLight A simple flashlight hack to increase brightness & runtime

A simple flashlight hack to increase brightness & runtime


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A look at a simple flashlight hack that will increase your runtime by almost 10 minutes, and can increase your brightness by 15%. This modification is called a spring bypass. What you essentially do is to place a piece of copper braid at the top and bottom of the battery spring. The braid is shorter and more conductive than the spring and will allow the light to run more efficiently. This can be done easily with some copper de-soldering wick, some solder and a soldering iron and a small pair of pliers. Please make sure you practice a bit first, because flashlights are very sensitive and it is very easy to destroy components, or melt your plastic switch if you apply too much heat.

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  1. I remade my spring using beryllium copper. The run time was increase thirty five minutes. The brightness was upped twenty five percent. Now that is a real improvement for a high power NEBO light. The fix really worked. Thanks so much for letting us all know on YouTube. Happy New Year to sir and many more to come. V

  2. Thanks 412 – It works! I did it on two of my cheap chinese zoomables! I don't see a problem with the solders and the increased load on the LED chips. So far so good. Probably won't try it on my mountain bike lights though due to vibration.

  3. Omg, show it! I wish someone would actually show the soldering of the piece you're talking about! I wish you had showed #1: what the "braid" looks like #2: the work you did so I can actually do it myself! Why did I sit thru this to listening how to do something when the person "teaching" doesn't SHOW how! Smh

  4. This is pure SNAKE OIL . Just go measure the resistance of those springs which will be 0 ZERO ! Perfect 100% continuity . Does NOT require ANY help in conductivity at all . This as he says is more geared to dummies who wish to break their flashlights . This foolery is NOT recomened at all …. unless you are a fool .

  5. You explain things very well indeed, but, you do not demonstrate or show the step-by-step process. But-never-the-less, you just gave me a wonderful idea on how to increase the performance of a sex toy.

  6. How about just stuffing the inner coil with common copper strands balled up? It would create less resistance with the mass increase contacting many parts of the inner spring.

  7. I got $10 says he didn't solder those tail caps himself. He is so in love with his own lispy voice and the numbers he tells us. If he had been able to solder he would have shown himself doing it talking the friggin time. I call bullshit.

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