Home CMMG CMMG Banshee: Sub Gun with A Cult Following

CMMG Banshee: Sub Gun with A Cult Following


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The CMMG Banshee has been a highly requested review since we started reviewing sub guns. It is a gun that has a giant fan base, which I’m pretty sure relates back to the fact that America loves AR’s, therefore loves AR9’s. One thing is for sure, there are a LOT of options for the Banshee platform.

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  1. The obvious question I've not seen answered anywhere: does the radial delayed recoil system work? Does it reduce felt recoil?

    If it does, great. If not I'll either save $400 and get a Scorpion or spend an extra (Zod knows how much) and get an MP5 (clone).

  2. DB shall now be known as DC..affirmed.
    Radial blowback: bolt has lugs that lock into barrel. Bolt doesnt need to be super heavy like a "blowback".
    At $1600, just wait & get a MPX.
    Banshee = $800 gun, maybe..

  3. Yep you hit the nail on the head haha fun gun but overpriced for sure. So did YouTube just fuck me again and not tell me you replied or did you ever respond to my suppressor questions??

  4. I have the exact model they do have buffer weights to adjust for recoil when suppressed so it won't jam with a suppressor they don cost that much. Ive not had the issue where you cant get it out the chamber but they tell you to break it in their customer service is A-1

  5. Personally, I value your opinion as it reflects your experience with the firearm. And subtlety should be left to lawyers and politicians (kind of the same thing), I prefer your blunt delivery. I don't know what categories are awarded Gundies, but if Videography is one then your channel should win hands down. Spectacular scenery, very professional camera work and great sound put you miles ahead of most 'tubers.

  6. You’ve got to remember it’s a delayed cycling pcc. There aren’t many of those out there and it’s one of only 2 I know of under $2k. Also you can always buy a tri lug adapter.

  7. I have had nothing but issues with my banshee straight out of the box. Mainly the trigger issue you spoke of. CMMG was nice about send replacement parts to fix it, but I’m over it and will be selling it and buying another apc9 pro.

  8. Nice review Devils Douche. Gonna have to add a Banshee to my PCC list. Feel like everyone needs to have at least one PCC…..👍🤟🍻. Gonna be that guy….how do you like that HS 510c?

  9. I had the trailing edge of a Radian charging handle sheer off at an angle where it interacts with the BCG and caused a similar malfunction where you get a binding handle. Instead of hitting the BCG square and pulling it back, it would ride up and bind in the track of the upper receiver.

  10. In regards to that finger stop you mentioned, may I suggest an arisaka finger stop? Would help position your hand back further. That way you won’t need to update your google search to ‘can hot gingers have 9 fingers’

  11. love my banshee and f**k youtube!!!! I got the tuning kit for mine but have never used it. I've never had a malfunction with my Ti-rant 9 suppressor for whatever that's worth.

  12. Just a suggestion: if you could splice in video or photo when describing a detail (safety, sling attachment) more often that would be great. You did it for mag release and that helps with your review.

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