In this video we talk about and shoot the new CMMG Endeavor 300 Mk4 chambered in Hornady’s new 6mm ARC. (Advanced Rifle Cartridge) This cartridge was developed to get the most out of the AR15 platform for long range recreational shooting, hunting, military and LE needs. What are your thoughts? Also, here’s a link to the Vortex Razor HD Gen. II I was using in this video:
Thanks for watching! Check out TP on Insta for more: @texasplinking
Thank you Sportsman’s Guide for sponsoring this video! Be sure too check them out for all your outdoor recreation needs.

In this video we talk about and shoot the new CMMG Endeavor 300 Mk4 chambered in Hornady's new 6mm ARC. (Advanced Rifle Cartridge) This cartridge was developed to get the most out of the AR15 platform for long range recreational shooting, hunting, military and LE needs. What are your thoughts? Also, here's a link to the Vortex Razor HD Gen. II I was using in this video: https://amzn.to/3eBSLcS
Thanks for watching! Check out TP on Insta for more: @texasplinking
Thank you Sportsman's Guide for sponsoring this video! Be sure too check them out for all your outdoor recreation needs.
Any idea what the barrel life is like on 6 ARC. I'm trying to decide between adding a 6 arc upper to my collection and a .308 bolty. I'm a casual shooter, so all I really care about is good barrel life so I dont have to buy a new barrel after ever thousand rounds.
Are there any piston driven 6mm bolt carrier systems on the market?
Could you possibly talk any faster? Where abouts in Texas are you?
6mm ARC=Da Future
Great review. New subscriber. Thanks.
For 1000 Meter accuracy shooting – should I go with 6mm ARC or 6.5 PRC?
I'm currently building Brownells/FAXON 16" 6ARC. I'm using Aero M4E1 Receiver Set , Brownells/ Faxon BCG / Bolt , Aero 15" QUAD RAIL , MAGPUL BIPOD , And CMC 3.5 FLAT Single Stage trigger .
I ordered PA 4-14× HUD DMR ACSS .
I'm mainly gonna be shooting this out to 600 yards with an occasional 880 yards .
This will also double as a very nice Deer and Hogs carbine for sure .
I'm also mainly gonna be shooting the Black 105g BTHP. I was able to get 200 rounds of Hornady Black and 100 rounds of ELD-M. I have another 200 rounds on pre-order for Black Ammo . I'm def gonna be picking up 200 rounds of the 103g ELDX once it comes out. I figured to get the performance this cartridge is capable of I need to shoot quality ammo .
The carbine is already built. I'm just waiting on the Optic , BIPOD and mount . I wanna have all my DOPE info dialed in from point blank out to 880 yards.
What bipod are you running?
Great video quality. In the opening scenes, product was in sharp focus with a nicely blurred background and cool picture-in-picture firing sequences. Impressed by video skills and thanks for the report on the 6mmARC!
Yeah, your using that thing for hunting right…? Or "self defense"? give me one reason why anyone needs something like this and why they shouldnt be banned..
Great vid, just subscribed..
Arent they all trying to compete with the .308! SO JUST SHOOT A .308! the 30 Cal is where it's at for hunting anyways! but iv'e always wanted to try a 6.5G, and now i really want to try this 6ARC, i also want the Wilson Combat 300HAMR
I'm very curious what OTHER factory loads and component projectiles (beyond this 108 Gr load) will be available & how they'll perform. Because the 224 Valkyrie was actually a 1 trick pony with a single very good load.
CMMG says it's 10+ weeks hold on getting a barrel. So they might have them out by hunting season.
Boringgggg. Shooting the same target gets old dude. You should of shot multiple targets at different distances.
Man I need a new rifle how much are these
Use this on the guy that made Elliot cry ( I’m jk of course)
do you think the military's MK12 will be rebarreled to 6mm ARC ? You should put the combo on paper at 100 and 300 meters.
Plz Camera on scope so we watch what is zoo.of scope
Ouch: CMMG sent me this "Order is temporarily out of stock, on back order for 10+ weeks. 06/27/20 ZH"
Who else came from "elliot crying is the worst thing to happen in 2020" on vlog creations
Love the channel and anxious to see more on the 6mm Arc. Do you ever try to break in your new rifles by cleaning the bore after each round for the first box?
The strange angle of the bipod and because it is jammed behind a tube on the tailgate does cetainly cost you some group accuracy.
What brand of magazine comes with the CMMG? I know there has been a lot of speculation regarding how this round will feed but it seems you had no issue.
What would you suggest between the 6 arc and the 6.5 grendel target only
Trying to decide between the 6mm ARC and the 6.5 Grendel for a deerhog gun on my next build.
So far availability, weight and variety has the edge for the Grendel.
What's the point compared to 6.5 Grendel ELD match… Plus Grendel already has cheap training ammo that is surprisingly adequate
That was pretty cool! Keep up the hard work and stay safe!
I see this round going the way of .224 valkyrie, ar-15’s aren’t sniper rifles’ they’re standard issue rifles.
Warzone guys: why don't you just use the grau