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Pawn Shop AR-15 Shooting


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  1. That woman was ZERO help!!She just watched the whole situation & then went into the back while this guy had the gun. Then she comes out armed afterward like that helped. The old man is also to nonchalant. Why didn’t he draw his weapon as soon as that guy pulled that mag out of his pocket. He also didn’t not move fast or out of danger when the guy took a few shots at the front of the store. He honestly needs to hire some younger men that have CCW permits and make sure they are proficient & stay armed when in the store. It might cost a little money, but it would be worth it to prevent this. This situation could have ended so much worse due to the older man’s negligence. They both also display negligence with their firearms. They are just waving them around all willy nilly & they keep flagging each other.

  2. y'all fucking crazy over a damn shooting, so what if mistakes are made at least no one got killed, of course it would be a tragedy if it did happen, but keep in mind it didn't happen and just remember: he has a magazine in the gun just rip the rifle out of his hand and beat his ass with the butt stock.

  3. If this guy would have went on a shooting spree in the streets outside the owner of the store would have been extremely responsible for not having shot the guy during the ,what seemed to be , conversation after the mag was put in. He had concealed carry for no reason appearently

  4. He kind of knew about the Gun, he checked if it was operational. But he did not chamber a round. Dumb of him and dumb of the sells man. He had a deadly threat infront of him, one round in the chest to disable him, shoot first then ask questions, and then kick his ass for being stupid.

  5. Both employees had ample time and opportunity to stop this maniac. You should not carry a firearm if you are not willing to use it to defend yourself. It is not for show. Obviously this guy would have taken the room temperature challenge had someone with balls been there!!

  6. What a bunch of idiots!! Why would you not shoot him when he loaded the magazine BEFORE he chambered a round? He stood there for over a minute with no round chambered. Good thing the bad guy was just as dumb as the good guys.

  7. He loaded a mag and didn't chamber a round.
    The bolt was closed and he didn't charged the handle after loading the mag.

    The second he put his own mag in the rifle he would have been full of .40 hollow points.

  8. Yep, as soon as he pulled out the other mag from his ass side, I'd have blown his face out across the store. Complete fail on the shop owner, both on the concealed carry side and as a gun seller.

  9. As soon as he put the mag in the gun and started threatening I would have dropped him. If you notice he had no round chambered(He chambered one when backing up down the aisle) and also was pointing it in the air. Could have easily drew and killed him before he could have shot.

  10. Shame on those employees. Mostly the female for not taking action. The male worker only had the storefront as a backstop which is no Bueno, but she, pulls her gun, sits there for a minute, then goes to the back?! wtf?! And the guy in the hat is a frickin moron too while I'm at it. goes and sits in his car to watch it unfold..

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