In this video, I lay out how much it actually cost to build your own AR-15. Of course prices vary, but this is a good baseline for your consideration.
Constitution Counter:

In this video, I lay out how much it actually cost to build your own AR-15. Of course prices vary, but this is a good baseline for your consideration.
Constitution Counter:
Thanks for adding….
Bruh stop generalizing pro gun as republican
that’s how you divide or deter new subs
Whewwww glad my first one wasn’t that expensive! And I’ve got proper equipment
Aye do u know what extended magazine fits in a Taurus PT-909 9mm ?
Cost depends on the maker of parts. And style and type of manufacturers. Billet vs forged, plastic vs aluminum. Also palmeto state armery sells A rifle kit. Less than lower recover for around 400 dollars. Depending on style and market. Demands. Before covid19. I was building 5.56 ars for 550 dollars threw palmetto state armery
First time AR build, I would say max, 700 dollars. Every time after that about 400 dollars. Or from where I get mine.
Depending on what tools you got on hand already, if you have the knowledge of where to put things, or are willing to learn those things… fairly cheap. Right now with panic prices, I wouldn't attempt unless you can find something reasonably priced. Prior to COVID panic, building a decent AR when not getting sale prices would typically run around $500 or just below it. Often times you were looking at a bare bones basic 5.56 build or possibly .300 Blackout.
It just all depends on what parts, materials, and caliber you're going for.
AK Daddy has an opinion. Not sure if he is still alive tho.
It's commendable that you took the time to break it down, most people don't care enough to bother with anything like this. Thank you!!!!
BRO!!!! All you need is a punch set, a screwdriver set for the grip, and an armorers wrench. As far as tools go.
So this was actually a constitutional counter commerical
Kits and assembly which is fun.

Or buy uppers and lowers complete.
It's so easy and enjoyable and very economical. New to your channel.
Very nice
PSA has the m 4 carbine kits with the BCG for $ 450.00 as of today, never bought one, but from what I've read, its a basic M- 4, tat shoots an handles like one to, your thoughts please, an thx for the vid.
Have armors tools, several punch sets, roll pin punch set, torque wrench, milling machine, good work bench vice, upper receiver vice block
2017 black friday sales built 2 for $250 each, 2019 built ar 308 for $500
450 with pretty quality parts if you know what you're doing you don't even have to watch the video
