Home AR-15 Radical firearms 7.5" AR Pistol | BCG Failure

Radical firearms 7.5" AR Pistol | BCG Failure


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  1. Same exact issue on mine. Having a super hard time finding replacement extractor. Where did you source yours? And did you get 7.62 extractor or 5.56? Some say 5.56 works fine with the 7.62 setup? Let me know bro. Thanks.

  2. i had an extractor fail like that on my radical ar. figured it was cuz i ran too much steel and cleared failure to ejects by slamming it on the table when my chamber got gunky

  3. Dude, you probably bought that upper from radical firearms and didn’t strip the bcg & bolt to lubricate it. I hate that about a lot of guys they buy an upper, it comes in mail, immediately takes it out of box & just throws it on the lower & says “Alright time to shoot for over a year with no cleaning at all, dude you have to check the work of the people that had it before you. You could have avoided that damage entirely by inspecting the entire upper when you bought it & properly lubricating/greasing the important areas of the firearm. Screw a torture test. Things are meant to break when they get tortured. Grown men need to make a new trend called, take care of shit and watch it last a long time

  4. Issue is dwell time for extracting the round when fired, the round expands then relaxes to be ejected. You are trying to extract a round before the brass is relaxed from the pressure of being fired witch causes more stress on the extractor

  5. Badass channel!!! Just curious how the radical pistol has held up? Just got a Radical Firearms pistol chambered in 5.56 with a 10.5 barrel. Still trying to find a bag, it's 26.25 inches. Any suggestions?

  6. Yea (as many have said) gas is the issue, I think 7.62 runs best with a carbine length gas system. It's basically burnt out around 7inches, so the perfect barrel length would be 10ish inches with 7ish inch gas tube.

    300 blackout is the king of 7.5inch (but who has the money to shoot that stuff).

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