Home CMMG CMMG 22LR AR Conversion Kit Review – Is It Worth It?

CMMG 22LR AR Conversion Kit Review – Is It Worth It?


The CMMG 22LR AR Conversion Kit allows you to fire 22LR from any standard AR-15 with the quick swap of the bolt carrier group. I’ve ran thousands of rounds thru multiple kits and have some strong thoughts.

In this review, we take a look at the specific use cases I think the CMMG 22LR AR Conversion Kit makes sense, where it falls short, and how I use mine in training.

The CMMG 22LR AR Conversion Kit makes an excellent addition to your range bag, provided you’re aware of its limitations. It’s not perfect but it’s an import part of how I train.

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  1. Just a single comment or helpful hint to run more "types" of 22lr. Polish the feed ramp and repeat about every 1000n rounds. You might be surprised at how well the feeds become. Speaking from experience, I have been able to run a lot more in all of my 22lr shooters by doing this.

  2. I'm building my first AR and the conversion kit is a must for the build. I'm not going to build an AR and just let it collect dust because it's too expensive to shoot as much as I want.

    Thank you for the review, pretty much covered everything I needed to hear! I will be trying to run a bunch of Aguila ammo that I have through it… let's see how it goes.

  3. I bought a CMMG stainless kit from Primary Arms a little while back. It came with three magazines for $169. In my 1×9 twist Bushmaster reliability was excellent, unfortunately accuracy wasn't. From 25 meters, I had a group the area of a pop can. I seriously debated selling it. Then I found a screaming deal on a dedicated 22LR barrel from Right to Bear arms. The 16 inch barrel came with its own bolt collar. I removed the CMMG's 223 chamber adapter and attached the supplied collar. Now I get almost MOA accuracy with CMMG's excellent reliability. Using a dedicated 22LR collar also improves the conversion kit's performance with less powerful ammunition as well as solid lead projectiles.

  4. I was, that's the key word, was, interested in buying that CMMG conversion kit for my AR-15 pistol. But then I found out how difficult the 25 round magazines were to load. And, the only "semi" so, so, loader is made by a company called McFadden Lightning loader. It's $35 on Amazon, and, in addition to buying that, one also has to buy an adapter, which is another $15 on Amazon, that "clips, or snaps into" that loader. The only place that has that CMMG kit is a company called BOTACH. It's $218, with shipping & tax. Now, that's pushing $300 for everything! So, any help would be graciously appreciated. Thanks, Jay

  5. " you're right but fuck you"
    I cant afford to shoot 100 rounds of 5.56 right now and unless anyone else is going to pay for it I'll use my .22lr kit

  6. I've run 10yo Remington brass plated .22lr thru mine with no problems. I've also run 22 Thunderbolt from Remington. Both of which sat in a closet on an outside wall for over 10 years. I had 6 failures to eject. I'm using this CMMG setup for target practice and teaching my 9yo the basics of shooting. He loves it.

  7. Nice video brother! I just got my conversion kit today and can’t wait to play with it. I just got into building ARs about 8 months ago and all this beer virus shit hit right when I finished one of my ars so I’ve only got to shoot it maybe twice. 22 is way easier to find and way cheaper so I’m stoked!! Anyways good stuff man I just liked and subbed by the way.

  8. I picked one up just got 3 days ago. I got mine mainly to be an addition in my bug out bag. Always thought a 22 is great for my bug out for weight ratio vs rounds. With I can say take my AR pistol and this conversion with 2 bricks of 22lr for extra shots for small game or what ever. My wife trains with me but at 60 my strength is not what it use to be. That's why I wanted this I could have 2 caliber rifles or pistol in one. They said 36 gr copper rounds and it looks like that's what worked for you also. Thanks for showing

  9. Just picked up one of these kits through PA on sale. Been sitting back awhile now watching all the videos on it. I already have a .Rossi 22 rifle I picked up on the cheap but thought this would be “better” in as, run the gun for familiarity of it. Train, train, train. And to those like you mentioned who spout off about the recoil…the “bang” is irrelevant! Caliber is moot. It’s all what you do up to that point just prior to the pew:) Great video. Got ya a new sub!

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