1. Keep that rubber boot for the 22 conversion bolt, dont get rid of it. Use it when storing the bolt when not in use. There is a new action tuning kit made for the law.

  2. Yes Mike your right I was given a 10 to 15 week lead time on my banshee 300 MK 10 and it took 14 weeks. But I must say it was worth waiting for I am totally pleased with the firearm and its function it eats my reloads and spits them out.

  3. Creative Men Making Guns or Crazy Men Making Guns. The Central Missouri Machine Gun was was what I always thought it was.

    Need a C-163 or if you don't do C Cerakote perhaps a H-217 on a Resolute 300 Mk4 in 5.56MM

  4. Only thing stopping me from ordering a 9mm conversion for my Ruger AR556 pistol is the lack of available/reasonably priced 9mm ammo – last I looked 9mm Luger ball was in the $..78+ range per round!!
    For that price I'll stick with my 45ACP that I can still get quality ball ammo for under $0.45/round (US made in Charleston, SC) Already have plenty of the "high test" Underwood 45 Supers waiting for their turn in/down the barrel!

  5. Thanks, Mike, and the crew in the tech and sales departments for relaying my questions to you!! You answered every one of my queries with great answers!! I'm sure my questions were not unique but hearing you address those things I was curious about is appreciated!!

  6. Johnny Baggins loves you! And I love him, so when he suggested on his channel that we might want to bless you by subscribing, I cooperated.
    Question 1: I think .32 ACP would be a big hit in your platforms. After you produce 7.62×25, then why don’t you go there?

  7. I've got a question. When I'm I going to receive my item I ordered from you guess on July 10th? I've been billed for it and haven't even received it. Today is August 18th….

  8. Do you guys sell the new style bolt carrier for the mk47? I wouldn’t mind a binary trigger in mine.

    For the optic I use the primary arms raptor ffp acss. I’ve hunted with that combo for a few years and there’s no reason to change it up now. The naturally better accuracy from the mk47 is also much appreciated.

  9. I hope you do a 6mm ARC Banshee! That would be super fun! I am also hoping you do some 45 ACP and 10mm conversion mags. Would be fun to SBR a single lower and then just change the upper.

    CMMG – 9-Carboxymethoxymethylguanine

    I have a Swampfox Blade coming for my Banshee 9mm. If I ever get an Endeavor 6mm ARC, I'll put on one of Vortex's optics.

  10. i see the csspecs 9×39 mags are available on the cmmg site, does this imply the mk47 lowers will work with these, and when will those lowers be available for purchase as a separate component.

    when will the pcc 9mm inserts currently available for magpul m2/m3 mags be available for other alternatives, ie Lancer, USGI etc, if ever? or is this more of a question for Endomag. a little variety would be fun.

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