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I have a 1971 ugo sks with a $60. Red dot. My question is. On this rifle what's the best position for my site ? Fyi I replaced original stock with a tactical stock.
The difference is a rly big deal if you have astigmatism
Misses on so many important features and aspects…
Great vid man!! Donut is a Bad Ass!!
How would you get batteries in shtf situation? I know those stupid batteries on my lights always go dead super fast
7:28 – 8:18 Donut Operator swaying in the wind…or had to piss.
Thanks for providing us with so much free information! Huge value add!
Waiting on Biden to send me that stimulus so he can have a fit when I use it to get a new ar and eotech
I use the buis sights on my ar as it has a peep sight very close for me to I can use them ith the post. to work okay.
I can use peep sites now but my 64 year old my eyes cannot shoot buck horn sites for any precision. I can get about 6 iinch groups at 25 yards from a standing position if I take my time. Not good enough for hunting etc. I am slowly adding scopes or red dots to all my long guns. I have to I cannot shoot. In a self defense situation I can use a peep site on my remington 870.
I have 4 Holosuns and 1 Sight Mark
I love these videos where you have guests on, great interaction. Give us more, please!!! More on red dots too!!! Maybe how to utilize the reticle on the holograph site? Where to aim using the reticle?
I’m running a holosun on my HD rifle.
Holographics take up too much vision thus making them ugly to use.
I actually prefer iron sights instead of holographic because holographic sight is a desease to look at!
I think donut should host a devils lettuce channel.
The donut dude acts like he doesn’t even know why he’s there. Lol. Acts like he smoked a glove box full of weed on his way there. He needs to tend to that moose knuckle.
Doughnut looks like a bad undercover from the 80's.
Budget is under 500
Mid 500-1000
High 1000 and up
Didn’t know he was in the navy
I've ordered a HOLOSUN 509T FULLY enclosed circle dot sight for my RUGER 57 pistol. Pricey but has the best of both holographic and reflex red dot sights and few of their disadvantages,
For my PS90 have a Vortex SPARC II tube style red dot. So both my 5.7 x 28 weapons will have fully enclosed red dots – WHEN Optics Planet fills my backordered HOLOSUN 509T order.
My wife's AR has a nice eotech but I'm poorer than her and I use red dot or irons for my ak lol
new drinking game, how many times do the "C"s on his shirt lineup with his nipples cones? lol #respect
can we see a review of cheap v mid/top shelf hologram and red dot?
Eotech squad represent!!
What would you recommend for red dot or holo/magnifier combo? I love using the red dot and magnifier I currently have on my M&P sport II, but I may be in the market for something a little nicer. Looking to spend no more than $500.
Great video as usually. I have been a pistol guy because of a dominant left eye and I am right handed. I want to get an AR or carbine. What do you recommend for my situation. Red dot, holographic, or laser ? Thank you.
what red dot should I get ? I want it for my ar15 . also want to use on my paintball ar15 so it needs to be able to withstand a hit from a paintball and mug , water resistance mineral . then back to my boogaloo gun thanks
Eotech is my go to but trying to learn with my new trijicon acog
….I've never used anything other than red dots.
Well when your batteries die and you don't have a backup you better be able to use iron sights
low powered scopes is my current love!
I run a sig sauer Romeo 4a holosight and love it
Front iron sight only. If you need more you’re weak

I’ve only ever used a red dot so