Home CMMG CMMG 22LR Conversion Kit

CMMG 22LR Conversion Kit


CMMG 22LR Conversion Kit: This is Sarge here at C4 Defense, today I’m going to show you how I’ve been saving money during this “ammo shortage” by converting my 14.7″ Ar-15 from PSA into a 22LR. With this simple BCG kit from CMMG and their 25 rd conversion magazine, you can be shooting 22LR out of your 5.56 caliber AR15. Watch the video to see how easy it swaps in and how well it works. And if we’re gonna be training with a .22LR AR, we should at least put a few rounds through the Glock 44 as well. I highly suggest you pick one of the CMMG Bravo 22LR Conversion kits up as soon as you can. It’s money well spent.

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  1. I dont run mine through my good AR, i shoot the hell out of mine, and even with copper plated/copper washed bullets, the tend to lead up the barrel. I usually just blast it out with 223 after about 150-200 rounds. Its a little sketchy tho, tons of smoke and recoil.

  2. Besides "get one, ASAP", only five other words apply to these little beasties: You'll be glad you did!
    Give 'em a wipe with an oily rag to "moisturize" the rails, and they run just peachy. Oh, and NEVER put pressure on the mags when shooting. Don't rest the rifle on the mag, or use it like a foregrip. You'll most likely get near-constant failures (think non-stop stovepipes and fail-to-feeds) if you do. Otherwise, these things are SWEET. Can't recommend 'em enough to anybody with an AR. A must-have item if ever there was one. (Yeah, I know I sound like a commercial – but honest, I really do think the gizmo is that good. I wouldn't bother to use it if I didn't, and trust me, mine gets LOTS of use.)

  3. First let me say I am a nobody 66 years old and don't usually shoot more than a couple hundred rounds per year. The best description of this conversion is wow. I sighted it in and my last two groups at 25 yards with iron sights free hand without a lean were 3/4" and 1-1/4". I couldn't believe how well I could shoot this. I used three types of junk ammunition including Rem golden bullet hollow point bucket pack, Aguilla 40 grain hollow point bulk pack, and some very old Rem bare not even plated gray lead hollow points. I shot a combination of about 75 shots today with no failures to feed or go bang. I will be shooting a lot more going forward. With this kind of accuracy I may even use it to hunt squirrels. This is so ridiculously fun I can't even describe it other than to say it makes me giggle.

  4. I must have gotten a horrible batch of magazines from them. I can only load 15 into the 25 rounders. I have 3 and they all behave the same. They stack the next round in front of the previous and that causes them to displace too far forward once I get to 15 rounds. Also, no matter what I shoot, they all fail to feed about once every 3-4 rounds. (I fired CCI mini, Winchester, Federal AutoMatch)

  5. I got my first AR around May when the shortage was already under way so I couldnt practice as much with 223. Around July I got the same kit as you with the single magazine. Its been a blessing; as a newbie being able to learn the fundamentals on the same rifle for a fraction of the cost is an awesome thing. Hopefully we can get through all this in the next year.

  6. The only 2 significant caveats about them that I've heard, and believe actually mean anything: (1) Open the package and OIL THAT SUCKER! They don't need to be dripping oil, but definitely "give 'em a drink".They work MUCH happier very slightly moist. (2) The mags *ARE NOT BIPODS OR FRONT GRIPS*! Resting the rifle on the mag like it's some kind of "poor man's bipod", or trying to use the mag like a front grip WILL cause malfunctions enough to make you write the thing off as a complete piece of junk. Definitely pay attention to the advice that says they're happiest eating copper-plated (though I've found from experience that they just plain don't seem to care if it's roundnose or hollowpoint) rounds in the 36-40 grain range, the "hotter", the better. Mine seems particularly content to munch on a steady diet of Aguila "Super Extra" with copper plated hollowpoints. Some report good results with subsonics, some will tell you that they turn the little beasty into a Jam-O-Matic – I haven't tried, YMMV. And it looks like others have already said it, but it bears repeating: Swap back to your regular BCG and put at least 2-3 rounds of 5.56/.223 through the rifle every couple hundred or so rounds of .22LR to blow any crud (and there's gonna be plenty of it, especially if you're feeding it non-plated lead rounds) out of the gas port and tube.

  7. Good video. Even if you can only find 10 round mags, extremely easy to make 25 rounders with them. After about 100-150 rounds I find a need to shoot a few 5.56 rounds. Otherwise it will start being dangerously inaccurate.

  8. Love that kit in my rifle. I've had it a few months now and between my daughter and I, I'm not sure who has had more fun with it but DEFINITELY worth the investment. We found it locally sub $200 with 3 mags. Once you shoot it a bit those mags loosen up and handle the full 25 rounds just fine but there is definitely a break in period for that. I had to run under loaded by 2 rounds initially as well.

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