Home Battenfeld Tipton Best Gun Vise

Tipton Best Gun Vise


I must have rocks for brains to have suffered so many years without owning a quality gun vise.

The SxS shotgun in the video is a Remington Model – 1900 (not 1800!) from the first production year for that model which it was named after.

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  1. I have one. I use it for aiding in the process of cleaning guns mostly. I do have various pellet rifles that I use to sight in new scopes. I do enjoy it. I do have some complaints. If used as a lead sled for higher caliber guns, say 30-30or bigger. I am nervous if it will stand up to the shock. It's nice for mounting scopes, or the pockets it has for screws helps in taking guns down. It works, and I do love it, but if used as if the package suggest as a lead sled. I wonder if the clamps will hold it. Especially if adding extra weights.

  2. Thanks for the nudge. I've been looking at those for a long time too.  FINALLY (in 12/13) the price has come down a bit ($80).  It's #1 on my wish list now.  Santa, hear that?

  3. Thanks!
    Just want to mention that if you don't need the AR-15 feature of this gun vise the next cheaper model will work fine for about half the price. It's the model that uses a single clamp and I've noticed that almost every gun shop that mount scopes uses that one.

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