Home AR-15 The Last AR-15 I Would Ever Sell

The Last AR-15 I Would Ever Sell


Deciding which of my AR-15’s I just could NOT live without! Daniel Defense V7, Daniel Defense M4 SOCOM, BCM Recce, Colt A2, LWRC SIX-8 SPC.
1st Video with the DD M4 SOCOM:
1st Video with Daniel Defense V7:
Earlier video with Colt A2:
First Video with BCM Recce:
First Video with LWRC :
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NOTE: All shooting in our videos is done by professional shooters for instructional and entertainment purposes, with an emphasis on safety and responsible gun ownership. Do not attempt to copy at home anything you see in our videos. Firearms can be extremely dangerous if not used safely.

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  1. I wonder if the founding fathers would believe in the second amendment if they saw current guns, I mean back when the second amendment became a thing you were using guns that fired one shot and took ages too reload, now you've got guns that can fire 100 rounds off in under 5 seconds and be reloaded in seconds, I'm not anti gun before a I get jumped on in the comment section but this is more too see what people think, times have changed sooo much

  2. I've always liked the smooth and simple features of the A2. Very beautiful gun. The polymer handguard and stock make it highly maneuverable by keeping the mass well-centered and rotational inertia to a minimum. The 20" barrel is a plus when shooting at 300+ yards because those .223 bullets lose their velocity VERY quick.

  3. THANKS for the shoutout to local Silencer Central! Those guys are great. I got 4 suppressors in under 3 months going through them and it was so much easier than I could have ever imagined. Love me some quad rail.

  4. Awesome upload u R literally my internet dad…..and yes…its a good idea…2 have…face offs with all of our fire arms choices within each class…we never know when someone may push us 2 actually make such a choice….and if so…securing peace is preparing for war……

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