Home CMMG Vltor Emod Stocks and RE1 buffer tube

Vltor Emod Stocks and RE1 buffer tube


A look at some of the parts for my rifle builds that have begun trickling in, the first to arrive were the Vltor parts.
I received one black and one FDE Emod stock as well as the RE1 buffer tube, I’m waiting on my order from Troy. I’ll be placing my order with Larue as soon as I decide on wether I’m building one rifle and getting some other toys or still building two rifles.

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  1. @theKGB65
    Coming from you my friend means that I take that as a tremendous compliment, thank you.
    Just wait till the rest of the parts show up, the rifle will be sweet. If you want a sneak perk check out Chanderson1's videos on his Troy MCS, it'll be pretty close to his.
    Thank you for your great support of my channel, I truly appreciate it.

  2. @Fr3Ek619
    Hey Brother, thanks for watching.
    I've had one on my LWRC since I bought it, I thought that it looked weird at first but the feel of it is awesome. It comes out of ready fast, has a wide shoulder, great cheek weld, quality rubber butt pad, is an inch longer for us tall guys, has a steel toe for hitting prone( or anybody )hard, and the storage compartments are handy. Give one a try Bro, you'll like it.
    I'll get you a good deal on one if you want.

  3. @carmas54
    Yeah, I feel for you Bro. Damned evil telescoping stocks are a nuisance, I can't believe how they walk the streets in broad daylight mowing down school kids! It's a great feeling knowing that certain states have banned them-idiots!

  4. @Vietboy1st
    Sounds like your running a great set up, great quality and damn sexy!

    I'm going to put the FDE Emod on an M1A Socom 16 that I'll be putting in a Troy MCS stock, it should be pretty sweet when it's finished.
    Thanks for watchIng

  5. @chanderson1
    Pretty soon I'll have my MCS Bro, I'm just waiting on the back order from Troy. I should have it in the next six weeks or so, then I just have to break down my rifle further than ever before and it'll rise as a new death dealing boomstick wearing a new dress. It'll look a lot like yours, but not exactly ;D
    Thanks for watching

  6. @Bertogearlearner
    That's by far the best comment of the day, thanks for making me laugh.
    Sometimes it does sound pretty deep, but usually it seems normal to me.
    My Wife says that when I get upset at the idiots that you end up running into around town that I sound " downright scary ", I've never really noticed it too much- I guess that I'm too busy yelling ;D
    Thanks for watching and for commenting, take care.

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