Home EOTech Trijicon Accupower 1-8 x 28. Best AR15 variable power optic?

Trijicon Accupower 1-8 x 28. Best AR15 variable power optic?


Review of the Trijicon 1-8 x 28

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  1. Great video! I am about to mount my Trijicon Accupower 1-8x on the same QD mount. Do you recall how many lbs you torqued the screws down to? I usually use 15 lbs as a reference but am not sure. I did not see that info in the instructions. Thank you.

  2. Hi, you stated you have the scope mounted on a Trijicon mount, but the brand name stamped on your QD mount is Bobro. Both brands have QD mounts so I am just wondering if there was a mistake made. I am considering purchasing the Accupower 1-8 for a POF P308 AR but the Trijicon QD is pricey even when discounted and runs over $3-400. The Bobro is under $300.00 and gets good reviews as well. So, just wondering. Maybe you can clarify please. Thanks.

  3. Thanks for this. I spend the day going back and forth between the Vortex Razor Gen II-E and the Trij. When I realized you had the exact same Mil-Spec+ DDM4 that I am getting, plus I snagged a 10% OpticsPlanet discount, I was all in on the Trijicon. But that mount! That sucker is close to $400! Not sure I'm feeling that. But thanks again for helping another DD owner out.

  4. That scope shadow sucks for a high dollar scope i have the trijicon mro red dot and the parallax is horrible what gets me is you don't here nobody talking about it. My bushnell trs 25 has less parallax than the mro.

  5. OFF not sure what i want for my second rifle. was looking at ACOG from primary arms with acss. then vortex razor HD gen 2. OR Primary Arms Platinum 1-8X24mm then you got the First Focal Plane and Second Plane crap

  6. BTW, I just bought this scope – there is a known design problem with it and Trijicon is working on a fix. The problem is the turret won't line up on zero accurately.

    The tech said this is a known problem and is inherent in ALL RS27-C scopes. However he did have this interesting interim work-around:

    Once you zero the scope, turn the turret one click in the direction the zero is off. Then raise the turret cap and set it to one mark past zero and press it back down. Then turn the turret back to zero and it will be on zero.

    That's not that bad – until they get a true fix.

  7. The reticle on high power is horrible, suppose to be high power but the reticle itself is so think it covers the entire target or doesnt allow precision shots like others do. I sold mine and have heard so many people say the same thing….Trijicon got alot of backlash from big name guys about it as well so look for changes in near future. My accupower 1-4s are much better and at 4 power more accurate because of that.

  8. I've had mine for a few months now and love it! Ran it on my AR10 308 and now it's on my SBR 300blk. Works great on either. For my money one of the best FFP 1-8x optics around! 34mm tube, excellent field of view and lots of adjustment.

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