Home Nikon Best Rifle Scope Under $200?

Best Rifle Scope Under $200?


Looking for a quality Rifle Scope under $200?





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  1. don't know about their scopes but their red dot sights suck, got tired of sending them back in to get repaired. ya they have a life time guaranty but how useful is your scope setting at the factory waiting to get repaired? i said the hell with it and bought a Aimpoint.

  2. I have bought 2 Vortex Crossfire II (3x9x40) they worked ok for the 1st year after that both had broken crosshairs one on a 556 cal the other on 22…. Bought a Sig Saur Wiskey 3 3x9x40 and for the same price the Sigs are superior….. Try them out if your not being paid by Vortex and you will see what I am talking about…..

  3. Are the windage and elevation adjustment on this scope flexible? Cuz my fist rifle’s problem was that it couldn’t be adjusted down enough to sync with where the barrel is pointed at.

  4. I’d rather have a gunsmith mount some iron sights on it instead of buying a junker scope. I’ve used cheapo scopes in the past and to be honest they’re often not worth the $200 or whatever you put into them. Some have worked, but most were better at converting money into frustration.

  5. The size of the objective does not determine the amount of light it collects in low light conditions. It is the quality of the glass & inner workings. Watch some of the videos with the Leupold technicians. They will explain it to you.

  6. Just bought this riflescope…absolutely love it! Bought it because if this review, so thank you for making my gun that much better looking and me more accurate. Cheers.

  7. A good overview. I bought a 1x spitfire vortex for my scorpion and I am happy with the quality. So this is a welcome review. One of the things I have heard no one mention in reviews is why the size of the objective is important other than light gathering. The reason is our eyes. As we age we lose cones that gather light in our eyes. By our 40s we have lost a 1/3rd or our light gathering ability.

    The second point is the objective size light gathering for a 40mm to a 50mm is huge. 55% greater. Bottom line get the 50 mm or at the least 40mm nothing smaller

  8. Vortex has excellent products. Not to mention their
    no questions asked warranty. I have the Cross Fire II AO and it is an excellent scope. I put it right up there with my more expensive Leupolds.

  9. Just bought the 6x18x44 crossfire 2. Eye relief is LITERALLY 3 inches longer than the free no brand scope my rifle came with.

    I have a .308 rem 700, will test it out in a couple weeks

  10. I shot my .308 Remington 700 with the free scope it came out of the box. The eye relief was like 2 inches or something. The first shot bloodied up and bruised my eyebrow. I thought someone kicked me in the head with a steel toed boot. I really need a scope with longer eye relief and good overall in other aspects. Ty I’ll probably research a little more into this. It’s not that cheap anymore. It’s now 199. I’ll probably get the 6×18, 50 mm for just 20$ more

  11. Thanks vale the video, I’m fixing to be buying my first rifle for rifle season for white tail and I’m getting a savage axis XP that holds a .308 round and everyone says that the scope that’s factory isn’t that good and you have shown me a good reliable scope for my price.

  12. Great, inexpensive air rifle>>>ur2.pl/951 Able to keep the varmints out of the garden once the scope was dialed in. Very accurate at moderate distances which is just what I needed. Would recommend it to anyone who is plagued by chipmunks, squirrels or rabbits. Have read other reviews where they say the scope is terrible but I found it to be quite adequate and easy to adjust. Good value

  13. Good video brother. Vortex make some damn good scopes. I picked up one of Cabela's Tactical Convent scopes. Love the scope has a Christmas tree reticle. Great for those long range shots. They have a lot in common with the vortex. A lot of similarities for some reason I think they're the ones who do Cabela's brand of scope. Don't quote me on this. I'm not so scope Savvy but learning. I Have quite a collection Scopes I will definitely take a look at this Crossfire scope that you talking about. Once again great video brother you earned a subscriber. Keep the videos coming brother. From New Mexico God bless.👍👍✌

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