Learn how to reassemble the bolt carrier of an AR-15 rifle with expert tips and advice on gun care in this free hunting video series on the AR-15 Rifle.
Expert: Caleb Kelly
Bio: Caleb Kelly has been working with guns for years and has made his living doing so. He is an expert with handguns and rifles, and works security for a monetary transport company.
Filmmaker: Todd Sapio

Thanks caleb. When inebriated very helpful. Also helpful when not
Nice comment about the rings at the end…Thanks. I never really thought about the friction between the bolt and carrier caused by the rings. It was my assumption that the more free the movement between the bolt and carrier the better. That one comment at the end taught me something. Thanks.
Today I cleaned my xm15 and for the longest time I didn't know how to separate the upper and lower. Anyway, I cleaned everything in the carrier group with break free, then wiped it down really well, then I stuck my finger tip into some lubricant and rubbed it sparingly all over everything so there was a very fine coat of it on all the pieces. Does this sound like I cleaned my bolt carrier group correctly?
@tacticalsheepdog NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! by god we lost another one…
Try assembling the bolt carrier incorrectly. The cam and the matching hole in th bolt are tapered slightly so that it can't be reassembled incorrectly.
Thanks for posting this video.
It was very helpfull. The little booklet that comes with an AR15 does not specify important issues like proper bolt orientation with extractor on the right.
I did not reassemble my bolt incorrectly but, I can see how it could be done if some one had never reassembled one.
All you have done is avoid my question. There really is no such thing as an "assault" weapon but I would say that the AK47 comes close to this vague term,because it does well at shorter ranges, whereas the M16/AR15 is a battle rifle because it is more accurate and much more accurate at ranges far exceeding that of the AK.
You answer a question with a question???! No I haven't been in the millitary or combat- have you? Even so, how much experience do you have with both weapons???
Forgive, I mean't that I wouldn't call a weapon designed to kill at more than twice the RANGE…..
ya, i despise our gun laws in cali….i guess its suppose to make us "Safer"….yeah right lol, i feel less safe without my ar-15 30 rnd mag hehe
Lol, too each his own i guess. theres no way i'd ever live there.
nah i love cali lol, just have to stick to 10 rnd magazines and top loading my ar-15 hehe
Move out of that stupid state then.
i hate that we cant have 30rd magazines in california
a bit random lol
Thanks for the tip about checking for bad gas rings.