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First Look At The Caldwell AR-15 Mag Charger!
Simply put, the Caldwell AR Mag Charger revolutionizes the way ammo is handled and loaded into AR-15 magazines. It is designed to accept 50 loaded rounds directly from any common 50 round ammo manufacturer box or from aftermarket 50 round plastic storage boxes. Simply align bullet tips and dump a box of ammo into the Mag Charger. The ammo is automatically aligned without touching a single round. Once filled with ammo, insert any AR magazine into the Mag Charger just as you would into a rifle. Then actuate the plunger back and forth loading 5 rounds per stroke as the spring loaded ammo carrier automatically advances aligning the next five rounds until magazine is fully loaded. The entire process of filling the Mag Charger with ammo and loading all 50 rounds into two magazines takes less than 15 seconds! An Ammo Transfer Tray is included to invert ammo that is positioned in boxes with the bullet tips oriented down or to stage bulk ammo for dumping into Mag Charger. Highly durable Polycarbonate construction, compatible with .223, 5.56 and .204 ammo. Patent Pending.
Load AR magazines in just seconds
Accepts 50 rounds of .223, 5.56 or .204 loaded ammo
Instant transfer system from ammo box directly to Mag Charger
Loads 5 rounds per “stroke” with auto advance
Compatible with all AR platform mags both mil spec and molded plastic
Durable Polycarbonate construction
Three easy steps:
Dump 50 rounds of ammo
Insert any size magazine
Rapidly operate plunger, loading 5 rounds per stroke

Pure crap.
…Great loader for sure.Well worth the money !
lol we could of used this on the range in the army.
@KamakaziSOF2 … I don't doubt that you are a bad ass, but I don't really believe your claim. I would like to see you post a video for proof. I'm not sure if this really slick design outweighs the cost, but I would seriously contemplate spending $80 on it. It does seem to me to be worth the cost; if for anything, just to make my day of target shooting that much better.
Marine infantry vet. Give me a reusable stripper clip and a speedloader, and I'll dominate this $75 contraption with money left over for more rounds to practice with.
it's pretty cool but for $75 I could buy a couple pounds of powder or a whole lotta bullets.
Great for reloaders, but not so good for people loading from retail boxes since you have to get all the bullets to fall in each slot, bullet facing down.