Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are:
In this video I show you how I install a muzzle device – a flash hider in this case – onto an AR-15 barrel. The tool I am using to install it is the Hammer Head Tool.
Hammer Head Tool:
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Everyone is not as stupid as you
Where do you get one of those alignment keychains?
Vice block??? Love a half ass

Lmao! The video is exactly 4 minutes and 20 seconds but great video I thought I was gonna have to buy shims
hey guys ive found crush washers for cheap under 3$ shipped on ebay heres the link https://www.ebay.com/itm/254346109932
WARNING: anyone doing this, you MUST lock your barrel from turning while doing this. otherwise you can end up turning your barrel, breaking the pin holding it place and knocking your barrel out of alignment which will almost certainly end in a catastrophic failure. Not fun when your bcg releases at 60,000 PSI. You won't have a good time.
That one thing th AK has on AR, much easier muzzle device installation
Way easier than I thought
Thank you very much, I needed this vid.
What about using a lock nut?
Where do we get that no go gauge you used at the end?
Wow! that was complicated. I how I can remember it all. I wonder if a regular wrench would work.
Pistol/sbr build… which is it? Big difference between the two..
Can I reuse crush washers from the previous muzzle device or do I need a new crush washer with each device?
Simple, thank you
Great video you’re making America great again!!!!!!!!!
drop a quarter in the center slot of a flash hider… helps with alignment.
You never even said how to steady the barrel… Is it on the rifle? Is it in a vice? Is it on the rifle which is in a vice?
i have a dpms panther ar-15. my question is what do i have to change out on my weapon in order to use the 300 blackout ammo. thank you.
Very helpful, thank you
Can you use a normal wrench on replacing the muzzle device?
I use nickel antiseize compound because AerosSell SUCKS! Valvoline's top tier Palladium car grease is better than AeroShell 33. AerosHell would melt in an E-Z Bake Oven, but nickel antiseize will not melt until your barrel has warped. It's fail temp is north o f2100 degrees F.
Thank you!
Where do you have the barrel clamped?/holding it?
Can you give a rough guestimate of how many times you tightened and untightened in this particular video?
got them cheap under 3$ shipped … https://www.ebay.com/itm/253880705562
I assume aero shell is the same thing as anti seize compound.
Even though this is an old video- I have to say that I look for your vids when I have questions on this stuff. Great job- thanks for the help sir.
Is it true that the crush washer is good for one use only
My crush washer seemed to flatten wider than the muzzle brake which I haven't seen before. I don't know why it did that. Also it seems to not be centered, it's more to the right than left as well.
Do you know why it did that?
Great video!
Question how did you hold the barrel a special tool ??? Thank you
They suck amazingly on short barrels.
Aero shell is 3$ on eBay shipped even sell trigger group grease same price
How about a suppressor?????
Great video. Just what I needed to know. Thanks!
Thank you!!
thanks so much, big help.
Have to wonder if you couldn't just put regular old teflon tape on the threads instead of the pricey stuff.
Over-tightened my VG6 Epsilon a hair and discovered the hard way that this affects targeting. Want to back off a bit, but am now concerned that this will free up the tension on the crush washer too much.
Ebay also has Aeroshell in small quanities.
Does the crush washer become swagged to the barrel or can it be removed and replaced for another muzzle device. I have a muzzle brake that appears to need to rotate almost a full turn. Will a crush washer crush that much?
Does the crush washer become swagged to the barrel or can it be removed and replaced for another muzzle device. I have a muzzle brake that appears to need to rotate almost a full turn. Will a crush washer crush that much?
The only thing one really needs to know is how do you get the old crush washer off.
is it necessary to replace that crush washer after changing the muzzle brake out with a different one?
+nsz85 Thank you for posting this. It's easier than I thought, but it's always nice to see someone else do it first. I bought some DPMS flash hiders, just for the aesthetics. Perhaps I'll add a comp-device one day. Much appreciated, and I am a subscriber. Your videos are super!
lol why would you put grease on the muzzle
So glad I found this video,,, I mounted mine 3 times with the crush washer Bass Akwards,,, the other 3 was test fitting a borrowed can to see how it lines up.
I Also use Blue Loc Tight for that Little extra security
As Wayne and Garth would say… "EXTREME CLOSEUP! Whoa!"
hey bud sorry about a rude comment I made in another one of your videos. I was having under gassing problems with a hand cut 18 inch carbon fiber barrel and a seekings adj. gas block . and I don't have any real gunsmiths for hours from my location . and you commented their called gunsmiths . I know bud I usually do all the work myself. I just drilled out the port 1/64 inch bigger. seems to be fixed . sorry for that comment . and I do like most of your vids