Home AR-15 Cry Havoc QRB 5.56 (Quick Release Barrel)

Cry Havoc QRB 5.56 (Quick Release Barrel)


Fit your AR-15 Carbine or Pistol into a Backpack or Bugout Bag with ease. Perfect for discreet transport!  A QRB Kit equipped AR-15 Carbine or Pistol gives you the smallest possible package with NO permanent modifications. You want compact – You got it!

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  1. I’d find a way to put some sort of gasket/seal round the nut….
    1-3 extra barrels and an oven mitten would be cool to have in your kit in a dirty zone…. Your gun will smell better and it may just save your squads life….
    (most people don’t realize how fast barrels can heatup during a fight, water and piss only do so much..it’s not like in the movies..)

  2. Not as fast as other QRB systems I've used. I like the stock with a cheek riser but with iron sights lol. This system is pointless when under duress as it requires further fine motor skills. All QRB system require you to locate the gas tube, sure, but the others require a simple twist of the hand guard to lock the barrel to the receiver. This system requires you to latch 2 relatively small latches that seem quite loose as they move freely when you tilt the rifle. I see that as a distraction when keeping eyes on target is imperative. A few seconds is all it takes for you to loose track of the target. I see a few extra seconds wasted with this system vs the others that only really require you to take your eyes off target to locate the gas tube. Everything else with them you can complete without looking at the weapon. Also, this REQUIRES the bolt to be locked back? Yet another wasted step in assembly. The ONLY plus point for this system is the ability to use any hand guard.

  3. I love it Best decision I’ve made do not hesitate to pull the trigger on this one great company great service call and help you anytime you need them easy installation absolutely holds a good zero after taking it off and putting it back on. What a Great set up and the law tactical folding stock makes an amazing package

  4. take down rifle detachable barrel and folding stock, great for self defense travel, survival, camping, plinking, and gos knows what else. military should take a look at their m4a1and build something like this.

  5. I always ask myself, what is the purpose of use of what Im buying. I just dont see it. Carrying something I have to assemble to use. Its nice for range use where I dont want to carry a long range bag. But $349.00 worth of convenience? Lets be honest, no one here is a ninja assassin Jason Bourne that has to go covert, build a rifle on a rooftop, get a shot off and go back into grey man.

  6. Its a firehose fitting on an AR….. Wow….NEXT! Should have known, its from the company that made those crappy RASE Stocks with the Magazine that dumps out of the goofy stock when you walk.

  7. This is cool and all but with a $350.00 tag I wold just rather have a complete upper and switch them out or take them apart to fit my range bag. And to keep the bolt in place they make a peace that snaps on the upper to retain the BCG

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