Home AR-15 AR Pistol 7.5" (7.62×39) | Is it reliable?

AR Pistol 7.5" (7.62×39) | Is it reliable?


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  1. Did you try polishing the feed ramp, I don't know if you have fix it since its been few years but I know I have not have any problems with my 7.62×39 7.5" barrel. I try shot it as fast as I can and it went well. I used an h2 buffer and a heavier hammer spring and that's it

  2. Grind out the front of the mag and this is by far the most important OIL THE MAGS this will solve 99% of problems i can run 30 rounds in all my mags no problem not 25 in a 30 rd mag,but sometimes you have to grind out the middle of the m4 feed ramps too,bushmaster came out with a ar47 and it had a single feed ramp (like a .50 Beowulf) they did this for a reason

  3. Mine was running fine the first two times that I shot it. Yesterday I decided to load the regular tulammo that I had already been using the previous times, in the same magazine I had already loaded several wolf ammo rounds in. It hung up on the front side of the magazine several times. I had a couple more wolf boxes and I did it again. Same thing. But it was the tul that was doing it. Only because they had the flat hollow point on the ends. The wolfs didn't. They ran every time.

  4. They make them so you can still only have 10 regardless 20 or 30 rounds magazines. Only a few companies actually say fuck you to the assholes trying to take stuff away and they actually work!

  5. I had the same issue that's why I love pmags only but in 7.62×39 your only able to find metal mags so you basically got to break it in slowly over time it will work properly try shooting some oil in the hole at that bottom and the side mag release hole and it will break in a lot quicker

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