Home AR-15 Vortex Strikefire 2 Review | Red Dot Sight for AR 15

Vortex Strikefire 2 Review | Red Dot Sight for AR 15


Vortex Strikefire 2 Review | Red Dot Sight for AR 15

In this exciting review, we are taking a look at Vortex Strikefire 2 Red Dot System:

We are getting into some gun accessories reviews now, specifically into gun sights!

I was looking for the best red dot sight for ar-15 for some time now and a lot of my gun owner friends recommended me this one.

Now of course, while there are many other options out there, this red dot system is still on the budget friendly side. So, being on the budget side… does it make it not a good system?

Well, let’s take a look. The first thing that surprised me about this Vortex red dot was the battery… A little strange choice for the battery type.

Whenever it comes to AR-15 sights, there are quite a lot of options available. Soon I will do review of red dot systems (4-5 most popular budget friendly ones) and make a red dot system comparison video.

So, make sure to subscribe, every subscriber counts here. Let me know in the comments below what you guys think. So far, I tested 6 different systems, and Vortex is my favorite one… just wish they used a different battery.

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  1. You should not be using the strikefire optic for "engaging the enemy", idk what you expect from a sub $200 optic. I would say this is a good beginner optic for someone to use on their first lower end (under 1k) ar15 build. This is a good optic for a gun you take to the range once a month for the sole purpose of just messing around or plinking with a .22. I would rather have just normal iron sights over this optic on a mil-spec ar, I've heard better reviews on the Sig Sauer SOR52001 which is another optic around the same price point. I cant stress this enough, if you have your first ar15 dont waste your money on cheap optics, learn how to use iron sights and get your marksman fundamentals down. Its better to use that 100-200 bucks on ammo or range time.

  2. You really shouldn’t be that upset about seeing the red dot on the front. The Ruger AR15 isn’t a war rifle and you’re not going to go into combat with it. You’ll use it as a self defense weapon or a range gun.

    If you use the rifle as a sniper rifle, you’ll lose any self defense case in courts.

  3. Every time you remove and re-mount the sight, you have to zero it again. taking it off all the time kind of makes it useless, It is meant to be a semi-permanent fixture of the gun

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