Home AR-15 Windham Weaponry MPC AR15 Review

Windham Weaponry MPC AR15 Review


Fun Gun Reviews Presents: The “Windham Weaponry MPC AR15 Review”. Forged in the Old Bushmaster Firearms Tradition, Windham Weaponry is bringing back the original quality of the best selling AR-15 Rifle in America.

Thanks for watching~ Sootch00

Music: “Military Operations” Pond 5

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  1. Windham AR rifles are not all that great. Too much hype, I had to ship mine back 3 times already. Feed ramps cut like crap and the bolt head cracked off recently. Only have 200 rounds put through it and the 200 I put through it was aggravation. Wish I could get my money back on this lemon.

  2. Here in Germany you pay 1050€ for the src and 1250€ for the mpc. I decided to choose the mpc. And I'm not disappointed.
    I put an aimpoint pro on it and did some inexpensive upgrades.
    About 3000 rounds through it. No problems at all.
    I love this rifle…

  3. I just bought a new HBC and it's very nice quality. All the markings are lasered now instead of rolled so it's very clean and easy to fill. The extra 8 ounces on the barrel makes the already easy recoil even nicer. Can't go wrong with Windham.

  4. It runs steel cased stuff until it gets hot. After about 100-200 rnds of shooting for accuracy at maybe 20 or so rnds a min, I’ve gotten failure to extract twice. It’s a B$&@!. Snapped my cheapo cleaning rod and had to resort to butt slams. I agree with the praise this rifle gets so long as it’s running brass.

  5. I paid $600 for my Ruger AR556 and it shoots amazing. Looked at the windham AR and thought it was too pricy for a basic AR. My buddy has one bit ended up selling it due to jamming issues. I don't need a $1000 AR. Bit hey are nice as hell. Better then the s&w mp15 sport

  6. WW is my first and current only AR (I have a Sig 556) and its is my go to 223/556 rifle for target shooting fun.

    The funny part is I talked a co-worker's husband, an ex-army ranger officer and I convinced him to look at it… He came back a few days later said he brought one and may get another. So I know it is a good stuff.

  7. I bought the 20" govt model AR15a4'and I am SOOO happy. Mine is 1/7 twist and That was important to me cuz I like the Black Hills 77gr JHP. I paid $850 for mine and I was so happy to get it. It's a beautiful rifle.

  8. I just bought the MPC-RF and it should arrive tomorrow. I've had Spike's and Aero rifles as well as a home-build and honestly they're all nice, but I have long desired for a M4-style rifle with a 1:9 that was affordable, and WW had the answer. It will serve as my duty and defense rifle so I hope it's perfect.

  9. picking up mine tomorrow, yeah!! California sucks, has a 10 day waiting
    period and I now found out they are considered Assault weapons in the
    eyes of them minions politicians we got over here. So I now have to
    convert this riffle to their liking… or NOT!! God Bless America and
    those men and women that fight for our Freedom…

  10. I just bought my girlfriend a windham ar15. its the first firearm she has ever owned. she fell in love with the rifle immediately. now she wants to get a pistol and an ak style weapon. I am proud to say I have turned my girlfriend into a true firearms enthusiast.

  11. I have a bushmaster preban 14.5 inch heavy barrel. Yes here in the territory ( Puerto Rico ) you can one have without paying any stamps. Is great quality and accurate carabine. Semper Fidelis marine.

  12. I love that you give your honest opinion and I know that I can trust you when you say that the firearms you review are high quality knowing you've shot multiple ar15s including some original bushmasters it sheds light on the quality

  13. So the barrel says 5.56 NATO, therefore it is no problem to fire 5.56 in the gun? I noticed you were shooting .223. Is that personal preference? I'm really surprised no one in the comments were talking about this. I've been trying to research how viable it is to shoot 5.56 primarily through this gun because of the 5.56 "higher pressure" but I can't seem to get a freaking yes or no answer.

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