Home StreamLight Surefire M600DF – Full Review and Streamlight HLX comparison

Surefire M600DF – Full Review and Streamlight HLX comparison


In this video, we review the Surefire M600DF, which is the latest 18650 powered scout light SF has put out.

It boasts a first-in-class 1500 lumen output, while retaining full compatibility with existing scout mounts and tail-switches.

We also put it head-to-head right from the start against it’s largest competitor in the market– the Streamlight HLX, and I think you’ll be surprised at the results.


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“Special Spotlight”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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  1. Thanks for posting this video, it is exactly what I was looking for and it has all the details that I was curious about. In the future if you have to say let's start over will you please edit it out of the video?Thumbs up either way great comparison!

    Edit: Never Mind I just saw your pinned comment!

  2. Thank you for pointing out pros and cons besides the beam strength throw and pattern. In other words, thank you for pointing out considerations while using the light such as mounting and light ADs.

  3. Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh,,, is Uhhhgh. And Uhhhh,,,, and so Yeah, Uhhhgh,,,,,, uhm…..yupp….. Ahhh,,,, don't forget…. Uhhhhhhhh, uh, and so uh, yeah Uhhhh, why uhhhhhh….. Brain pause,,,,,,uhhhhh

  4. For this kind of $, your really better off going with an elzetta, malkoff, or pflexpro. Fully potted electronics, make them way more durable. Some of these are half the price of a surefire, but all of them are more durable.

  5. First great video. GREAT review. i love reviews where guys actually use the equipment. I can tell u put some effort in ur videos. One thing though i had a hard time hearing you a little bit

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