Home AR-15 7.5" 5.56 AR Pistol with a FosTech Echo ARII Trigger and a...

7.5" 5.56 AR Pistol with a FosTech Echo ARII Trigger and a .22 Bolt Conversion!


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  1. That .22 conversion kit is a pain. When it works, it's awesome. However, I had so many FTF and FTL, I got rid of it. Went back to my .223/5.56. I've got the Franklin Armory Binary in my AR. Too much fun.

  2. Have you guys ever switched an Echo trigger from one lower to another, and is there any difficulty involved? Planning on building a lower soon and need to swap over my Echo trigger if it's not too complicated. The original install wasn't bad, just have to be careful. Thanks for the vids!

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