This is my Bushmaster AR-15 M4A2. I talk about my add-ons that i recently done to it and im pretty sure this is all im wanting to do. The only thing that i had a problem with is mounting the P-series
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your strobe light feature on the light wasn't working to good that aint gonna blind nobody.
In like that classic m16a2 carbine look.
@Josh Wilson the gun was never in his hands, they plotted it in his car
@Roberto Helu y'all don't know the truth of that killing. The kid never had the gun in the school, they say it was left in the car,, I believe that the whole thing is a plot! But yes I do agree to stricter gun sales
@justmebill1 get your shit straight and stop knocking ar's
@Vergon3256 it's loaded with magpul now
A mentally unstable guy killed those kids. It wasn't the gun by itself.
Put some magpul on it
Real smart remark here "we can see who shoots who first ." Moron.
Blow your nose and grow up.
Around 1k
how much was the ar?
regresate para mexico guey onde las armas son prohbidas i los narcos las usan todos los dias pendejo
yeah that was over 30 years ago. we are talking about now. i like to see your ass get in the field with me and stand 300 yrds away and we can see who shoots who first. we can be in the dang rain, mud, snow, desert whatever the heck game you want. Grab some education next time
throw your M-16 down to the river and pick up shoot to see M-16 or AK-47 blow up the barrel….Don't compare reliable with AK-47 OK…a little dirty M-16 will mis-fire and hickup not like SKS or AK-47
– In Vietnam, VC wait for a rainning days and they ATTACKED American because they knew American no good in a rainny days and AIR POWER can not drop bombs good, most American pilots afraid to fly in raiining time because anti aircraft of VC are so tough, ask John Maccain and u will know what I mean
AK-47 vs M-16 in Vietnam
– USA ran home in 1973
-1975 South Vietnam, American ally surrender (who using M-16)
In the war, you don't win that mean you LOST (AMERCAN LOST IN VIETNAM) no matter USA declare war with VN or not and NOW 1995 Your Clinton shake hands with enemy (Is that a shame to American or not)? Or American easy to forget their 58,000 death solders pass way for this country MEAN NOTHING to THEM??
Screw the AK give me a AR-15 anyday. The AK is reliable at the cost of everything else not accurate as an AR-15 fire slower than the AR and you have to carry less ammo due to the weight of the 7.62 vs 5.56.
Youtube the M-4 they are plenty people reaching out to 800 yards they just know how to use a gun.
Agree a .17 will stop a hog in one shot plenty videos on youtube to prove that. The .223 has far superior ballistics to a .17 HMR. People think the 7.62 is a better round i will take the .223 anyday have had both an SKS 7.62 and AR-15. Sold the SKS. Most people cant shot worth a crap then you have to use 2-3 rounds just to hit it.
i live in the city, not towel town
The ballistics of the 223 are better than the 762. Period.
you must have lost your brain in VIETNAM. never can you have too many toys. i plan on using this gun to protect my family and i as much as i can, the damn swat team has grenade launchers, lazers, and all kinds of bs on there guns but mine is simple enough for a poor boy to take out whatever comes on my land
dont plan on going to afghanistan buddy, only plan to protect my home and family
you must have a bad batch of bullets. peaple use .22 to the head with no problem. Also a .17 will put any hog or wha tever down within 50 maybe up to 100 yrds. yall need some live experience before you comment about something you dont know of
Too much toys which are useless in the battlefield: VIETNAM
-Ak-47 simple enough to win US in Vietnam war
Why M-4/ Why not M16A2?
M-4 not reach to enemies in Afghanistan mountain…200-300 yards is max..only good in the cities, building to buildings..not good in LONG RANGE body!
AR-15 only used for hunt human or animals with SOFT SKIN!
Wild hogs in Vietnam are not really big like USA but, the skin are much thinker and the head, skull are so hard, the bullet hit and went up in the air, can't not destroy that brain box! with 7.62x39mm then that hog will give up!..so don't used .223 to hunt or some time must shoot 2-3 rounds!
plus if yall talking about using regular full metal jackets then yeah i kinda see your point unless your aim sucks. But we use vital shot witch when.it hits, it expands bigger
Wow yall retards do play COD wayyyyyy to much. I can shoot my ar accurately at 300 yrds. If i have to make a video to proof that i will. ABOUT THE HOG KILLING, you might wanna check your ammo or something cause i have no problem laying them down with one shot to the head but it does take maybe 2 or 3 tops to the side depends on where i get my shot at.
good for you!
i can blow your head off consistantly at 100 yrds so i think im good with the stock barrel.
no .223 isn't small, type hog hunting with ar-15 and these guys are shooting them out of a helicopter with .223 and knocking them down first shot.
you might wanna do some research before you do anymore comments on peaple's channel
I like better with 20" barrel
16" won't reach to enemies reported from Afghanistan!
.223 is too small for wild hogs!
7,62×39 is OK
yes we do! but we can only carry a small clip right?