My AR15 for home defense is ugly but it works.
DPMS lower
Bushmaster A2 upper
Cheap WalMart 20 dollar quad rail
Used M3 handgun light
Simple nylon sling
For informational use only.
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It's "ghetto" just because it doesn't look like you spent $2000 on it? Come on dude, that rifle looks perfectly fine.
All my magazine are old gi mags!
Total cost? I see the Bushmaster A2 upper for sale for $300-500+ online new. Fine consumer education.
Who said it’s not pretty! I think she’s beautiful!! Be safe!!!
Ghetto my ass that ar15 still looks badass!
It's better if your home defense gun isnt your favorite one. Because the cops will take it.
556 might kill Betty next door!
14 1/2 inch barrel with a standard muzzle break pinned and welded is too short and it’s illegal but Brain dead millennial’s don’t know that till the ATF comes knocking
7:29 Safety is off

Seems like no one noticed cuz they were too hung up on the "ghetto" in the title…. lol 

A pair of electronic ear protectors really makes sense IMO as even a 22lr being fired inside is going to be loud. A long gun and your ears will be ringing for a week lol. I've got mixed feelings about have a cheap gun around to prevent one of your more expensive guns being taken. I get it, but I'm thinking that introducing a gun into any situation elevates things to a level few are prepared for, it's getting to the point that I wouldn't be surprised if they took every gun you have. I don't agree with it, but it's gotten beyond crazy in recent years. If you were forced to use a weapon to defend your family and you find yourself in court. I wonder how a jury would view your having a (basically throwaway) gun for just such an occasion? I'm not so sure I'd want a jury looking at me with this thought.
I'd think very carefully about this one…
If you live in an apartment you don't even need an AR-15 for home defense handgun will definitely do
You haven’t seen my arsuckatine
I have a Gucci magpul edition PSA m4 clone. Though I do agree that people don't need a 2,000 dollar rifle for home defense (not that mine is, it aint) but my first rifle was a dpms. Really loved that rifle.
In my opinion, if you're using an AR for home defense, you need to have a good optic above anything else. The very first upgrade I made to my rifle was an Aimpoint pro. I don't make much money but money isn't comparable to surviving a life and death scenario. Iron sights are nice, but today's optics are far better.
You must not know the meaning of the word ghetto.
How’s that quad rail holding up
100% exactly how i do it just have a better light …all my good stuff in the safe chilling
Fuckin love it dude
that's far from a ghetto gun the ghetto is an no ar Zone AK's all day everyday or a SKS with a cut-down barrel
I bet it will kill the shit out of a bad guy
I like what you're saying? It's cheap so if gets banged up its still cool or like you said used in a situation where the cops take it ?
As for the ' it's ugly thing!! No it's not! Yes it's not a bcm or DD OR the rest but as a English man in a shit whole of a country I think it's pretty beautiful and I would pay good money for it ?
Fuck I would pay good money for a high powered potato gun
But, isn't that why you get a shotgun? Extremely cheap, effective and can be bought with options.
I would need six mags taped to my gun and I better get really good at breaking the action open. Since I live in commie Ca. Haha. Glad our handguns aren't so fucked yet. Getting there. I'd like some variety but we just don't have it
Nothing wrong with a KISS rifle
Jesus Christ, why are you putting loaded mags in that thing for a YouTube video, really easy to forget about it and charge the gun.
The audio on this is terrible.