Home AR-15 $550 AR-15 Pistol Build W/ Parts List- Complete AR-15 Pistol That...

$550 AR-15 Pistol Build W/ Parts List- Complete AR-15 Pistol That Rocks For Cheap


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This is my Bear Creek Arsenal Upper & Palmetto State Armory Lower $550 “budget” pistol setup for home defense, competition, and generally fun stuff. I go through everything that goes into this build and the prices if you want to setup something similarly. also, let me know what you would change or what you did differently. Also, very inexpensive build that rocks everything.

Upper: $180 – BCA 10.5″ 5.56 1:7 Twist Carbine Length
Lower: $140 (not including transfer fee) – PSA Complete Lower
Optic: $125 – Red Dot ($25) & Vism 1-6x LPV W/ Mount ($100)
Light : $28 – Acid Tactical 800 Lumen Light With Mount.
Foregrip: $18 – UTG Aluminum Skelotonized Hand Stop
Muzzle Device: $30 – Chinese Flash Hider (Ebay Special)
1-Point Sling: 20 – Blackhawk 1 Point Sling
UTG Rubberized Pistol Grip: $10
Strike Industries Recoil Spring: $12
1 x 1.5oz tungsten Buffer Weight: $7
Cotton Arms Adjustable Gas Block: $20 (Bought on Sale)
Foxtrot Mike Pistol Brace: $15 (Bought on Sale)

Total (with Transfer): $500

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Most of my Lowers are Palmetto State Armory as they are cheap (under$130) and have worked flawlessly. all of my triggers are rack grade Mil-Spec, nothing special. I have 2 Bear Creek (BCA) uppers, a Palmetto state (PSA) “big boy” upper and 2 custom uppers. I specialize in High value options for your everyday Joe & Jane in the recreational scene.

PS: I am not a pro, keep that in mind.

Twitter: Focustripp (Only post new video Links)

If you read all of this I hope you have a Wonderful Day… Filthy Animals…

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  1. That spring & buffer seem to work great even with the overgass & m855. Did you link to that in description? I've been thinking about doing a budget 14.5" 5.56 with a pinned 1.7" external thread break so I don't have to sbr it but could still run a can if wanted & I think that spring + buffer combo & adjustable block seem to be the way to go. 0 noticeable muzzle rise. I do like the idea of a pistol & brace, though I want to put a minimalist "claw" style on it but don't have the $ for a SB3 or 4.. I'm trying to keep it light as possible but still comfy & ergonomic so I've been debating going 10.5 pistol though, as most of the weight is in barrel & forend. The other benefit to doing 10.5 pistol besides possible weight savings would be I wouldn't have to pin the break. Any thoughts? Is the extra 3" of barrel worth the extra headache or should I just go w/ pistol? Btw, my glock came in & lemme say, if you catch them on sale for $280 (even at $299) & you get one as nice as I got, it'll be hard to beat as far as striker fire is concerned. I see no marks anywhere, even on feed ramp or sides of barrel where slide ride. IF it was shot, it wasn't more than a couple mags at best but I did a complete removal of the locking block & no carbon. This thing is cherry & they had 30rd steel reinforced mags on sale for $14. Though I'm overjoyed, Out of the 2 I'd have to still say for $330, the girsan regard 92 seems to take the cake. Its factory cerakote, lifetime warranty, surplus beretta92 mags are CHEAP, but most importantly it's an all metal hammer fire w/decocker+ safety which is my personal favorite. You really should try one, better than the M9A3 all around in my opinion.

  2. Another great video, I recently built a BCA 16 in M4 contour 1-7 twist on an Anderson lower and it shoots beautiful, even 55gr shoots great. I have a BCA 16" 300 Blk coming with the side charging bolt and pistol length gas tube that you talked me into as well. I frequent Primary Arms in pearland because they are close to my house and they always have Anderson lowers on sell with no FFL cost, Will be putting a Vism 1-6 scope on it although I paid 150 for it with the QD mount it seems solid, Keep em coming and thanks for all the reviews!

  3. Very detailed video I absolutely love e affordable builds that simply work. Bear creek Arsenal and Palmetto State Armory are 2 companies that give awesome bang for ya buck I got my PA10 for $650 and I am totally satisfied.

  4. Thats an awesome build you have. Kinda funny, I run those same charging handles too, lol. I got one off Amazon for $22, the other 2 I have I got for $10 plus $6 for shipping off of WISH. They work good and even I mortared with them in my AR from a stuck casing in the chamber. My AR pistol is a Palmetto State Armory. I bought the FDE 10.5" pistol upper with lower parts kit and shockwave blade for less than $270 with free shipping. The PSA lower was only $29.99 and a $25 ffl dealer fee. I added a Strike Industries Mlock handguard and angled foregrip. Topped off with Mbus rear flip sight and Atibal mcr. It is a very fun gun to shoot and is very accurate with the right ammo. It was my favorite AR to shoot but now my 20" BCA upper/frankenstien rifle has become my favorite, just something about that smooth rifle gas sytem and a bit of nostalgic has me hooked, lol.

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