Home AR-15 Dream Build BCM 11.5" BFH AR Pistol | MY Ultimate AR 15|...

Dream Build BCM 11.5" BFH AR Pistol | MY Ultimate AR 15| "Almost Done" | Suppressor Ready


This is my AR 15 Pistol Dream Build. This build has been under way for a while, I finally narrowed down how I wanted this setup. I built it suppressor ready where I can, for future proofing with parts from Gemtech, Radian Weapons and Surefire. Once I get my Tax Stamp back I will be installing a custom VLTOR A5 buffer system, the end goal is to get 4 o’ clock ejection while suppressed.

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  1. FYI have the same problem with red dots star burst . I bought a 5x magnifier to find out couldn’t use the magnifier at all. I would try one before buying one . But I have really bad eyes.

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