This is such a misinformation hit piece that 60 Minutes did. How can no one be Outraged that they used Kids, injuries and traumatic events to push their liberal lies and Gun Control Agenda. Very sad how Media is no longer the Free Press for information but is a Propaganda mouth piece for Liberal Destruction of America and freedoms.
I uploaded the video without me talking to Bitchute here:
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Be prepared carry a fucking gun you shit stick. I say outlaw the god damn Democratic Party
When the Gun is banned, America will be set Free by the Gun.
Stopped watching 60 minutes years ago and never looked back.
They have pellet guns getting 900 fps at walmart ….. And im not 100 percent sure but i think i saw 1100 fps on a expensive hunting pellet gun …
I like feet per second better….
Good breakdown of this propaganda by 60 minutes
60 minutes is nothing more than a propaganda machine. CBS and everyone that works there are nothing more than traitors to America, fuck them and all they stand for ……….
I would like to have a camera at a London trauma center to record knife wounds. America is too real world sterilized in order to fall for 60 minutes propaganda.
It's a straw man argument anyway. Guns and bullets are made to kill. Our argument has always been we have a natural right to kill people trying to kill us, we need guns just as good as theirs or better.
Every time they talk about gun control we in the gun community should bring up Abortion Control !!!!
Less than 500 people per year die from all shotguns and rifles combined
They also used an FMJ for the 9mm or so it appears that way
By the lefts logic when a mass shooting happens they blame the gun, but when a police officer has to shoot someone in defense for their life it's the cops fault not the gun! Why wouldn't they blame the gun when a cop shoots someone? hmmmmm? Unbelievable!
Everyone needs to locate the "30 FOOT TALL ANGEL" photo's from London that is made from "KNIVES USED IN STABBINGS"… whenever someone starts in on guns, show them this statue of an angel made from criminally used knives & remind them. Baseball bats killed thousands last year, & will this year too!!!
YOU missed it Rick… "BROWARD COUNTY" 1st responders being interviewed???!!!! Broward county which has "VOTER FRAUD" every election?!!! Broward county, the most liberal county in FL?!!!!
Don't forget the average # of gunshot deaths (12,000/yr) also includes people protecting themselves, family, & property from criminals… The flu kills 12,000/yr!!!!!
Someone needs to do "HIT PIECES" on Communist leaders and just back to back people being executed because of their ideology no matching the communist leaders!!!!!
Lol, you probably just predicted the next round after guns are illegal & they want everyone on a digital currency system (666) it WILL BE "if only banks were not around…" LMMFAO
Communist's, and this is amongst all political parties, communism is a hidden agenda… USE'S CHILDREN……
When their trying to "TAKE SOMETHING FROM YOU", get you to "GIVE UP WHAT YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO OR A RIGHT TO SAY NO TO"…. they use the kids!!!
800 is slow…. reminds me of my old gate wheel Navy colt .45… lol
Stop blaming the gun. It's the red necks with the guns pulling the trigger. But they don't want to arrest a bunch of white people that vote for them.
Just came to my attention US versus Miller about sawed-off shotguns. That in US versus Miller they ruled that sawed-off shotguns are not protected under the Second amendment because they are not related to weapons used in militia. And now they're pushing the AR ban because it is weapons related to military / militia. So they can't have it both ways, it's one or the other but not both. Either we can have a sawed-off shotguns or AR-15's, they can not say the Second amendment does not protect AR-15s because they are related to weapons used in the military/militia, while upholding the sawed-off shotguns are not protected by the 2nd because they're not related to weapons used by the military/ militia.
It's possible that the newer court case overturned the older. But somebody needs to file a motion for clarification. which one is not protected by the 2nd amendment they AR-15 or the sawed-off shotgun. I would have uphold that sawed-off shotguns are still banned, and the judge in this last case isn't confident. That he had a political agenda, that he was legislating from the bench. That he ignored precedence to do so, now has created a conflict in law.
If they can uphold both that means no firearms protected by the 2nd amendment. If they are attempting to uphold AR-15 is not protected by the second amendment, means that NFA has no force or effect, and has been unconstitutional. Or they going to uphold the AR-15 is constitutional, and the NFA has always been constitutional with full force and effect of law.
All guns should be banned! Especially the ones that shoot those banana bullet clips!
My butter knife travels way slower but could still kill. Just saying.
If I hit you in the head with a 2lb rock you want care about bullets.
I was in the military and they told us the .556 round is designed to wound but not kill. The idea is to makes it so they have to help their friend instead of focus on the fight. Even the enemy cares for their battle buddy.
.223 in Mogadishu incident was terrible against the skinny Somalians, hench the creation of .458 Socom. Read and educate yourself people, either way, any bullet is dangerous regardless of the size or speed. These idiots have no idea what they are talking about.
.223 was meant to wound people. Jesus christ, if you hate guns that much than dont buy one or leave. This country would still be paying England taxes without them. Shootings might be sad but one look at the top deaths compared to gun deaths(not in top 10), & you should ask yourself why this is still being talked about. Dr. malpractice deaths are 5 times more. Gun deaths (38k last year) also include suicides, cop shootings, and many others beside mass shootings. Meanwhile Healthcare is 8 of the top 10? The Democratic party might be legitimate, but the current politicians in play now are a joke at best wasting so much time & for what. Looks like the walls going up, but how much money did we pay them just to delay it. Same stuff here, wasting our money doing nothing but dividing us. I blame participation awards, it has skewed reality & made people focus on their feelings too much instead of facts. God forbid if we talk hard facts?
Doctors kill more people than thugs do with guns. And they have a license to legally murder.
I wonder what the excuse will be when AR's are banned and people keep dying. Make no mistake it is not about saving lives. It is elitist believing they know what is best and forcing there ideology on us all. If they are banned tomorrow they will only change categories.
Well the police do the same thing, so what is the difference. I was in fear for my life or I shot him in the back as he was running away because i thought his sweat hitting me would put my life in danger.
If even little children, who aren't even fully developed humans, can take several rounds from an AR-15, I think that negates the notion that the rifle is a "pure killing machine design to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible". Sounds like it was more designed to wound, than to kill.
These guys are hilarious

..f***ing bird brains.
….well they are the same trash that said Epstien committed suicide , she's gonna win by 98%…? Anyone believes these idiots is a fucking tool.
It's coz of shit like this is the reason why I don't date Americans, Canadians and Hispanics anymore…
The 30-06 rounds we used in ww2 were many times more devastating than the 5.56. The 5.56 is made to create injuries that will get the enemy off the battle field and tie up resources rescuing and treating the wounded that would otherwise be returning fire. It is one of the lowest impacting high power rifle rounds out there.
These people have never seen what a 12 ga deer slug does to a human body. The exit wounds are often bigger than the entry wounds.
A 7.62 is much worse than a 5.56. I seen a guy with an AK style rifle tear up a Park Rangers vehicle and nearly penetrated the block wall behind it. The rounds went through the passenger side doors and back out the drivers side doors. Even the engine was destroyed. The only thing that deflected one round was the back wheel.
"Killer kit"? Sounds like a trauma kit.
I think a .25 is the weakest round. I was working off-duty security where a guy emptied all five rounds of a .25 in a guys face. None of the rounds penetrated his skull, 2 richocheted off his head, 1 went through his cheek and 1 knocked a tooth out, 5th missed.
Swimming pools kill more people than ARs
Government is already far out of check. To the point of it needing to go.
Boycott all media.
21:45– 60 Minutes reporter Scott Pelley, Crisis Actor?