Home AR-15 AR-15 100 round drum mag! + 50 round drum mag!

AR-15 100 round drum mag! + 50 round drum mag!

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  1. Please please please don't bring any races to the table but I swear black people love to rapid fire.. I mean anybody that likes to shoot loves to Rapid it Fire. but black people like looooooovvvvveee to Rapid Fire LOL💯

  2. I bet no white guys showed up to the rang that day. Also l bet this black dudes didn't grow up in no real hood. You black i get it. But dont act like you was in prison for mob shit. If so you wouldn't have them guns. So you got no felonies… I work at a place where you cant have a crimianl record. Yet the black dudes act like there mafia bosses an killers. Like dude. My dads brothers a sicarios. I know hitmen an i know mobsters. Chill for i show you what if feels to be chopped up alive.

  3. I need a bigger trigger, no trigger guard, and I could bump-fire faster with my limp penis on the trigger than you guys ever could with your fingers. Just brace the stock on your knee, and let the elasticity of a stretched penis on the trigger to achieve a tremendous rate-of-fire! I smoke too much California weed by the way..

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