Let’s see what this sub $200 BCA upper is all about! Thanks for watching my unboxing of the Bear Creek Arsenal .300 Blackout!
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What is the Site & Clean set up that you have the pistol sitting on and where can I get one?
I'm new to 300 blackout looking for an upper this may sound stupid but tge only stupid question is one that has not been asked okay so is AAC blackout the same as 300 blackout. I'm assuming it's the same but the word AAC is just left out.
I like the version you received, not interested in what's shown online. I'd pass.
Hows It shoot I just got mine in
I have the same one. Extremely accurate
I have the exact same upper, works perfectly and shoots moa at 100 yards with Remington 125grain , I have 8 BCA uppers and all work perfectly and are very accurate!!!
You may or may not know, but in Feb., this year, ICE raided BCA and took away more that 30 illegal aliens. That's who's building your stuff. And worst of all, they tout 'American Made'…..Yeah.
Lancer L5 has an open square feed lips on their AWM
Im still butt hurt. My 300blkout upper came with a loose gas block. Not one of the five Gas block set screws were tightened. Gas block moved down barrel toward muzzle (about an inch after only 3 shots!) Gun stopped cycling after 3 shots. Worked fine after fixed. Sold it the next day. I do not buy anything from BCA anymore. Good luck to those that do.
I got extremely lucky on my Radical Firearms 10.5 300 BLK. 118.99 with free shipping. Unbelievable! But I like ur handgaurd better than the one that came on mine. Nice gun man
I've heard "some" 300 barrels (mostly the 8" barrels) with the 1:8 twist are having problems with heavier bullet weights keyholing pretty quick (within 25 yds.) out of the barrel. Keep an eye out for that. It won't damage the gun (other than accuracy), unless you do put a can on it. A baffle strike can be disastrous. The UTG sights are pretty good sights. If you're a military or contract operator, I'd probably use a more "robust" sight. But really, how many of us are "operators". It looks to me like you did pretty good with the BCA upper. I'm looking forward to your review. BTW, if you do use 223/5.56 mags sometimes, I picked up some magazine bands at a gun show. They're like elastic, but like rubber too. They're red, with black (or yellow) embroidery, and say "300 AAC"; they're about 3/4" tall. That way you can grab a mag, load it, label it and not blow up a gun. I wish I knew who made them. Look for them on line. Thanks for the video.
April fools u got the better handguard

Talk about that Site-In-Clean system!!!
that handguard is way better than the one advertised…if its the other waay around i will be very disappointed
Palmetto "out of stock" Armory didn't have something? Say it ain't so.
Dude I have been looking at that very same upper and that is awesome I would be very happy if they sent me that
Awesome review Travis p11

Just be careful if you ever try to take it apart. Everything had loctite, including red loctite on the barrel nut.
Be very careful with this company I have had major trouble with them, they have a very bad customer service debt.
I've had the utg pop up sights, but I recommend the dagger defense, they are all metal also and about 5-10 bucks cheaper and in my experience more accurate at longer range.
What do you think is the most efficient length for a pistol upper? And why?
Nice man, I have a palmetto pistol lower as well, I threw a kak pistol brace on it and it works just fine. The upper I have is from deltateamtactical.com... You should check them out. Any way I do like the upper, I hope it works well for you. And if not thats always good content. ha ha
I have a 16 inch barrel, I love it.
I recently picked one up, slapped it on my PSA lower, 4x scope on it, ran to the range with; remington 120 otfb, armscorp 147, and magtech 115 otfb. this is my hunting rig, so three rounds were fine by me. 100 yards, sandbag atop my range box, 4 three round groups, 147 about 2.25 average, 115 about 1.25, but the Remington was astounding at average 7/8 inch group! Enjoy yours , I did mine and recommend it highly. Cannot wait to try Barnes, Sig, etc 115-125 grain ammo!
I did a build with one of these with a 7.5" barrel, M-lock handguard. Mine has the "swirly style" flash hider. I got it on sale for $189. It has been 100% reliable and most accurate with 200 gr. bullets. I added Ozark Armament front and rear sights, A2 style..I am not a fan of flip up sights because I am an old guy (AKA "Fudd") and sights which move around go against my code.
Yo Rabi Travi, are you gonna do a video about Commifornia mag ban being over turned?
decent looking uppper,I just can't pull myself away from psa to try different brands
Keep in mind about adding a suppressor, it will likely fit if you buy one that has a QD Mount. It will definitely be close with a direct thread. I’d definitely suggest getting the QD option, cause your 30 suppressor will absolutely end up on a 556 at some point.
That handguard actually looks better than the one in the website photo!
Nice piece for the build….Good stuff….
I've been contemplating the 300.
What you received looks much better than the photo.
Good Stuff!!! No Regrets with the 300 BLK…

In the pockets of big bear creek arsenal
Nice!! I gotta 300bo full length bca. I love it, no issues or failures and accurate 750 rounds in and no upgrades other than irons
I wanted to like BCA just like i wanted to like PSA, but honestly everything I've ever gotten from both companies has been total garbage.
I recently bought up three BCA 223 wylde barrels from PA on sale ranging from $25-40 each. I thought I was getting a great deal, then I tried out two of them (didn't bother with the third) and i couldn't get either barrel to shoot steel cased ammo under minute of dinner plate and brass ammo (55 and 62gr) under 5 or 6" at 100 yards…
Getting raided by ICE and having been found employing 30 illegals doesn't help me want to buy their products anymore, either…
Nice pistol
Im 20min from them, however never owned anything from them for mixed reviews. Maybe sometime…
I have both handguards shown, the one you got is the much better made better quality one for sure.
Looking good brother
Can you give us a future update on the accuracy of this upper/barrel? Thanks

Why do we always have to look at the box so , a cardboard box is just abox
Where can I order a rest like the orange one in the video you have the upper sitting on? I need that.disregard I found one on Amorim.BTW nice upper
I like everything about the looks of that upper…..makes me want to buy one now. Cool
Looks good for the $$$