Home AR-15 Bushmaster 223-556 xm15 e2s

Bushmaster 223-556 xm15 e2s


This is a bushmaster i own,”great gun”.brand new,only 300 rounds through this rifle on date of video post.accurate with iron sights.

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  1. I got this gun as "optic ready" without the iron sights for $550 before tax here in Washington, and I believe they still have some. Great gun. So far it doesnt care for steel rounds. I got a cheap red dot for it. Thinking of getting a magnified optic in place and a lazer/light combo as well. 

  2. From the store brand new 1000-1100 used in good condition 800-900 those are accurate prices. I got mine from a guy who wanted an ar-10 and only paid 800 he had put 200 rounds through it and cleaned it. Looked brand new and it's a great rifle.

  3. People love making that adam lanza character famous.. Everywhere i turn i hear people glorifying him.. Does anybody know the victims names? Quit bringing fame to this evil person or "cowboy" as hes refered to in this thread…

  4. Right now july 16, 2013 at my local walmart in Western Pennsylvania i can buy a bushmaster xm15e2s for about 1000 and a colt 6920 for 1097. Less than 100 dollars in price so for that id grab the colt. maybe in your area colts are a lot higher in price

  5. I Bought my Bushmaster XM-15 E2S about a month ago. It is a great gun for sure no doubt. I've only put 120 rds threw it. But it is accurate and handles greatly. No not the best but there's many witch are worse out there. And I agree Colt is not standard on your pockets lol.

  6. A correction to that, I've also seen some as high as $900.

    Still, I'm curious as to why some of these same exact models so…cheap. I'd be afraid to purchase a sub-par rifle for obvious reasons.

  7. I'm currently seeing these models running between 400-500 bucks, what's the deal? I'm skeptical cuz that just seems too low to me. Have they really dropped that much?

  8. @Pnutt5100 about $1100.00 i bought it during the hipe of the obama craze so prices wher a little jacked up then, i think. now i can get one here in Texas for $900.00 , i think thats about the norm brand new.

  9. for some reason i cant find a video with a xm15-e2s optics ready. I own one. I have no iron sights. which is fine with me. i have an eotech 512 aa battery powered holo with a 4x magnifier on a flip to side base. Im looking for others that have different setups. I almost bought the Trijcon ACOG/red dot.

  10. great rifle. i have the same thing more or less. my rifle has a standard stock and no muzzle break. all in all a pleasure to shoot. gonna change out the handguards and put a new stock on it. but its a great gun. nice video.

  11. that is a good gun. my dad had one he just sold this week. I wish he didn't but he needed the money just like in your situation. it's a great gun though. and I do think it is mil-spec. I never had issues with it. he had a crimson trace laser in lieu of a scope for home defense. I would recommend the Burris speed dot for it. I've shot an AR with that scope and it's nice but still a little pricey in my opinion. $200 I think. I have a Daniel Defense M4. Another great m4 as well.

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