Available at Glockstore.com – search item #T0220.
This .22 LR Conversion Kit converts your GLOCK Handgun into a .22 LR. It allows you to shoot inexpensive .22 Long Rifle ammunition so that you can shoot longer and more often, turns your GLOCK into an ideal pistol for first time shooters and makes a great tool for teaching women and young adults how to safely shoot a pistol without the intimidation of larger calibers such as 9MM and .40 S&W. Plus it’s less destructive to targets and surrounding structures when used for law enforcement training. Our kit comes with a Slide-Lock and Internal Firing Pin Block Safety. Features which you can’t find on any other Glock conversion kit. This is the best .22 conversion kit in the industry, I have tested it, shot over 10,000 rounds through mine and sold thousands of them! Read below for more info:
The Sights are identical to the Glock factory sights that come standard on most guns. As such, the most applicable training sights for LE and self-defense. The front and rear sights are removable Glock OEM sights. The front sight is fixed. The rear sight is adjustable for windage and elevation.
The slide will lock open after the last round in the magazine has been fired. Our unique patented magazine design and heat-treated steel lock open insert allows us to offer this special and desirable feature which you can only find on Advantage Arms .22LR Glock conversion kits.
All aluminum parts are hard anodized with a matte black finish. Hard anodizing is 3 times thicker than standard anodizing and is as hard as a piece of heat-treated tool steel (RC 60-65). This finish will help to eliminate both scratching and wear. All steel parts are heat treated with a black oxide finish. The barrel is made from either heat treated 416 Stainless Steel or heat treated 4140 steel, depending upon availability.
Installation is simple and does not require any modifications to your Glock pistol. Simply remove the Glock magazine and slide as outlined in your Glock owner’s manual. Now slide the Advantage Arms slide onto the frame, until it engages with the slide lock. Check to make sure that the slide lock is in its most upward position. Insert the conversion magazine. You are now ready to shoot. This procedure can be accomplished in less than 10 seconds with some practice.
This kit is delivered to you in its own, very nice carrying case that includes, the .22 caliber upper, 10-round magazine, magazine loading tool, .22 caliber cleaning rod, .22 caliber wire brush, cotton patches and cleaning solution. And, of course, complete instructions for use and maintenance.
Be sure to order extra magazines!

USA is "fair country". Free to having Pistol and shotgun for their own people.
Buns of steel.
Hey I'm trying to get a bit of awareness for this but there is no higher cap mags over 25 round I would love to see a much higher cap mag like a 100 round drum or a 50 round mags… But this 25 is nice but its not truly great I want to see something better and there's no way it wouldn't sell and at $40 bucks per 25 round mag for a single mag its too much for too little but I would be willing to shell out 100 to 200 per drum or even more for hyper cap like the am-180 like I would love to give 300 bucks for a 300 round drum but no a 25 rounder is all you can get! Am I the only one out here aware of this?!? Who else would want super high cap mags for this thing? I think a lot of people would… But till then please think on this issue. Please god bless all…
I just purchased TSG-22 conversion for Glock17 at the Glockstore. Runs great
Enough recoil to make you think it is a real gun
Make you think you’re shooting a real gun huh? Lmao someone thinks they can take a 22 and not feel a thing. Okay tough guy
And calling it not a real gun is just a way to say 9mm is bad for your health.
I would love drums for this sucker… Maybe just a 50 round stick mag…. Anything better than 25 shot!!!
I've watched several Glock Store videos. Not sure why but I like this guy, Lenny.
Just ordered the Advantage Arms 22lr for my Glock 20sf, now I can shoot 10mm, 40 sw and 22lr in one gun. Great platform if you are on a budget. Gets 10mm hunting, 40sw self defense and 22lr plinking and target shooting on the cheap side. For a beginner like me it suffices.
How in the world did you pull down on the slide lock lever so easily??? With mine (Glock 20), I have to use rubber gloves for traction and an extreme amount of effort to get it to work. When I first attempted this on my Glock, I worked that lock so much to get it to work that my fingertips developed blisters and bled. Is this normal?
puts gun down in direction of cameraman
Dry fire 22 lr

With this gun is killed xxxtentacion?
Phew I thought it was only me thinking that what he said was wrong!!
do they make one with a threaded barrel
"Hi, I'm Lenny McFlagginghands. Let me show you how to become a better flagger and while flagging all the flagees"
Lenny… why the fuck is this not threaded
Can I use this kit on my 43 ? And if so can you do a review?
22lr guns are real guns
So does it use the 9mm ejector??
Who makes the 25 rd. magazine and where can you buy it?
I want a conversation kit so my Glock can shoot .308
I'd rather just buy a Browning Buckmark for the same price.
Is there a functional reason why they don't have double stack mags for the .22 especially with the high cap mag?
I wish that GLOCK would make a GLOCK 22 Magnum with a 30 round capacity like the Kel-Tec PMR-30, but with GLOCK quality.
is there a 22 conversion for a Glock 26 Gen 4
Прикольно. Судя по всему отдачи почти нет и можно долго стрелять. От Макарова после двух коробок начинает запястье болеть.
Yes it runs everything I put in it.
I just got one if it won't run bulk it goes back.
Start selling these for the g43 please!
"Gives you just enough kick to make you think its a real gun" What an idiot! If someone put a 22lr round in his chest he would have no doubt its a real gun. I hate when idiots make jokes about being "pea shooters" or "not a real gun". I know a couple of people that have been killed by these "pea shooters"
I live in Minnesota and considering this is not the gun this can be shipped to my house right
I just bought one for my Glock 19, WOW!!! I should have bought this kit years ago, I have missed out,BIG TIME. I really like this kit, really really fun, to say the least!
will this fit the glock 19 allso
Is there a kit to convert my G42 to 22cal?
Glock -17 gen 4 in stock?
I bought one and it did not work. It would jam every 5th shot. Just buy a dedicated 22lr. The MP 22lr is awesome. No jams and you don't have to switch anything out. And the cost about the same.
how does a centerfire convert to a rimfire without a new firing pin?
Is the .22 caliber 25 rounds magazine , legal in california?
Does the conversion kit come with a magazine
Here, let me just put this down real quick facing the camera man.
the kit is so expensive…..