Home AR-15 How to Laser Bore Sight a Rifle

How to Laser Bore Sight a Rifle


Fun Gun Reviews Presents:How to Laser Bore Sight a Rifle. Using the LaserLyte Universal Mini Bore Sight(MBS-1). It saves money, time and a lot of frustration at the range plus it’s easy to use.

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  1. Hey everyone I'm trying to use this system but everytime I look through my optic my crosshair is below the laser and no even maxing out my elevation turret I can't get my crosshair to line up with the laser, any ideas???

  2. how come after aligning my red dot with my laser, I move my head around and it looks like the laser is actually moving around but not the red dot.

  3. Great video again S00tch. You never disappoint. However, assuming the sight line is 2" above bore at muzzle, at 25 yards, you may want the bore to be 1.50" under sight-line to be near zero at 100 yards and far zero would be at 200-240 yards. There is no appreciable bullet drop at 100y. That said 1.50" @25y, 1.00" @50y 0.50" @75y = 0.00" (zero) @100y.

  4. You know I have learned so much from you . Really appreciate these videos. Not sucking up just stating a fact .
    Walmart, Amazon . You can get theses at a very reasonable price . Thanks again.

  5. 3-4 inches is a long way off at 100 yards. I sight in the old school way. Throw a round down range at 100 yards and adjust your scope accordingly. 270 with 150 grain bullets 2 inches high at 100 yards = bang on at 200 yards. I’ve bought rifles bore sighted by the store and you couldn’t hit paper at 25 yards.

  6. Got this exact model at Gander Mountain before they closed. I really like it. I've never had a problem except getting batteries – which I just got thru WalMart's online service and they sent them right to my home. I've sighted in a bunch of guns including my .22 air rifle and I adapted it for my .177 pellet gun. Of course, not as centered, but it worked. Doesn't fit down the barrel for the .177, but worked great for my .22 pellet guns. Also, I concur with Mr. BeachBow – a twist while it's in the barrel tightens it up nicely – DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN! Just a light tightening is all you need. Worth the money in ammo savings and many thanks from my fellow shooters I've helped out.

  7. When you were sighting in the red dot to the laser point, did you find that it worked backwards to coalesce the two? In other words…if the red dot were high/right you had to adjust the elevation up and the windage right to get them aligned, rather than down and left? Once aligned and you fire on target, the red dot is adjusted from POI to center …high/right corrected by adj low/ left…that was the way it worked on mine..

  8. So its been like 3 to 4 years now..Do you still think this bore sight is good..And you still recommend it still…….Thanks….Compared to a SiteLite Ultra Mag Green Laser Professional Boresighter $220 one

  9. Sootch what's your favorite brand ammo, do you get better groups with a heavier bullet vs just 55 grain? All I ever shoot is American Eagle 55 or 62 cause its cheap and never had any issues with it but been wondering about IMI 77 grainers. Thanks and keep the great vids coming

  10. I embarrassed for you for pitching this piece of crap.. Some people will do anything for a buck. Looks like that's you. I'll know from now on when you pitch some product to run like hell. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  11. These have to much possibility with error from end of bore to end of device . The ones that fit in chamber like a round at least prove them selves the length of the barrel.cause I got one of these and if I insert it into my .223 and turn it around once while it's seated in , the lazer dot moves in an oval patter liked a foot over twenty yards .

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