Home AR-15 AR15 Installing a new front sight on a new barrel Part 2...

AR15 Installing a new front sight on a new barrel Part 2 in HD


In part 2 I ream the holes we drilled in the front sight and the barrel and I install the taper pins. I think I should have reamed the holes a little deeper and used less force on the pins. The reamer is a 2/0 taper reamer for those interested.

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  1. I wouldn't consider this anywhere near a competent or professional installation. Sorry. Those who are concernd with a quality install should probably opt for the pre-assembled barrel with a FSB of their choice. Why risk trashing perfectly good components to methods fraught with the hazards I witnessed in the video?

  2. I have been searching forever on a good video like this all the others I found were switch from a2 gas blocks to low pro gas blocks and I’m doing the opposite thanks for the great video

  3. Thanks dude!!!! I just finished re-barreling my DCM/CMP/NM HBAR using the knowledge I gained watching your really awesome video's. I used a variable speed 12V cordless hand drill. I did happen to have a milling machine vise and that made it easier to square up everything. But I think I could have done it with a regular vise. I used a mirror to spot my drill bit from a right angle view to keep it straight and I lightly torqued my receiver on to use it's bottom edge as a square reference I had my slights on and used a plumb line on a wall and bore sighted and rolled my front post until my sights were on the same line with the rear sight mechanically zeroed. I went over to my buddies and aimed at a coke can full of water at 100yd and hit it with my "fowler" shot. I cleaned the bore and fired again at a 100yd MR31C and hit a high 9 at the 12 o'clock. cleaned and fired again and hit the same place. I adjusted my elevation and never touched my sights the rest of the day. I really expected to have to give it at least +/- 2 moa windage. I really lucked out. I couldn't have done it without your help. Thanks.

  4. Excellent video! I was thinking of "winging it" on a front sight install using my drill press, but after watching the skill and equipment necessary to do a high quality job. I've decided to pay a professional. You saved my barrel.

  5. You can use a bubble level on the bottom of the bayonet lug and upper receiver (if you barrel is already installed) to make sure its aligned. Then use a set screw between the gas port and sling swivel to hold the FSB in place while you drill the front hole.

  6. When I ordered the sight I also ordered pins.Andersons website just said front sight pins.I am going to check with a local store that carries alot of ar parts on my next day off.

  7. Now for when your measuring with the ruler to make sure your not going to drill fully into the barrel, how far is that distance from the barrel to where you want to put your drill bit. basically looking at the last minute of this video showing where your tapered pins are I see that they are pretty much in the middle of that flat where they sit! is that what im basically looking for or is there a set distance?? Great video!! good bit of knowledge, thanks.

  8. Angle, zoom and quality of you video is outstanding. I've watched too many videos where the guys doing something, but you can't see what he's doing because his hands are covering what he's working on.

  9. Is the reamer's size measured the same way that the drill bits are? If not what size taper reamer are you using? Forgive the stupid, but I'm REALLY new at this. I'm building my first AR, because I thought it would be cheaper to do so, which wasn't exactly the case, but now that I'm more than half-way through buying all of the parts for it, I figured I might as well finish what I started. I didn't pay any attention to the front sight I bought, and it turns out that it wasn't drilled, lesson learned.

  10. It is a long a tedious process sifting through all of the bullshit videos on YouTube to find something that is actually enjoyable and informing to watch. I have already figured out a method to this process, but I still love to see others ideas. Excellent job on these videos, and on your workmanship.

  11. Really good video.  The white paper made it easy to see what you were doing.  Would cutting a small v notch in the spacer washer make it easier to see the alignment marks? 

  12. Excellent, detailed, and quality video on installing/pinning the AR A-frame front sight gas block assy on a virgin or previously unpinned barrel.  As ginsboy points out, it entails a lot of work.  No wonder they invented they low profile gas block and free float hand guards!

  13. I have purchased a Colt parts kits with a used front site that has already been drilled and a virgin barrel that I have parkerized my next step is putting the front sight on I would kind of like to use the original Colt front sight. What's your recommendations about drilling that I'm kind of afraid of the drill bit walking off the barrel since the front sight has already been drilled I would appreciate your suggestions and thanks for the video it has been a lot of help.

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