Home AR-15 So Can I Shoulder An AR Pistol Or Not?

So Can I Shoulder An AR Pistol Or Not?


This video takes a look at whether or not you can shoulder an AR Pistol with or with out a Sig Brace .

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  1. Finally someone clears my mind but I’m still worry doe I don’t want to get in trouble I have one question and if anyone would answer it would be great …… can I buy 3 SBR and just pay the ATF once or I have to do it for every single SBR I have..so they give you a license or certificate how is it please let me know I would be more then happy to hear about this I’m currently trying to own an SBR and install a suppressor but I’m wondering if I have to pay twice

  2. Gov should not be telling any citizen how they should be firing a weapon. It they want to hold it with their toes and use their tongue to pull the trigger, that's their choice. Lets make thing simple. Citizens should be able to own and use any firearm they can afford. ATF just needs to legalize SBR. Case closed.

  3. I quit watching your infomercial after I heard “with that being said”. Terrible. You just affirmed in voice what you just said. Sad. Oh yeah, starting a sentence with “so” presupposing an opinion and answer ahead of any context of dialogue. In other words, you insult your own intellect with a dueling question. Drink water, learn grammar.

  4. I talked to My ATF Agent here in Chattanooga, Tennessee because I just bought a AR Pistol. This Agent told me I am only allowed to shoot the AR Pistol with ONE HAND. SMH. What is He talking about?

  5. I think the law should only apply to law breakers. For instance, gun laws shouldn't not be applied unless a crime is committed while possessing a firearm. That way law abiding citizens wouldn't be deprived of their rights

  6. All Gun Laws are in direct violation of the constitution!!!They Need to stop!!!! What’s going to happen if ever God forbid we are invaded!! Is the ATF coming to help? No they will run and hide like pussys! The military wouldn’t be able to show up in time so we would have to fight along side the National Guard and we all know they are really under equipped.. Thanks US And State Government. Guess what the Blood will be upon your Hands Just remember that!!

  7. president like that AR 15 pistol really nice gun excellent fullaotomatic fantastic great alot of fun shooting there great excited everyshoot perfict have nice day karon deha tanan "

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