Home CMMG AR-15 Short-Stroke problem…SOLVED!

AR-15 Short-Stroke problem…SOLVED!


Some high-speed video of a common problem with home-built AR-15 rifles, and the solution.

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  1. Bolt action rifles can have similar probs. My M77 MKII had stuck cases so I pollished the chamber a little and cured the problem. I used a bore swab with a little Flitz and a drill. Didn't polish to a mirror finish, just smoothed it a little bit.

  2. I have never had any issues with my guns at all. I buy quality shit to begin with.

    More info needs to be given with what barrel and other parts were used on the custom build. If the barrel was _ _ _ _ , then anyone buying one of those barrels should just polish theirs to begin with and save themselves the hassle later.

  3. OH !!! And let me add this little word of advise. If your having this problem and likely you are if your reading this. Did you build your own this is gonna be my 1k meter miracle or this is my got to war momma ain't gettin no new shoes rifle. Because being over gassed doesn't do sh*t for accuracy for more or less so gas it up and it will run. So the real problem is you built your own rifle without any training except youtube. D.AZZ. give it da gas.

  4. Nope sorry FlexHone your full of shit here. Don't come up with bs for sales you have a good product but there isn't anyway it fixed this issue. Way under-gassing is the problem could be the block alignment maybe trash or hanging chad from machining…hehe some of you know what I mean, or undersized hole in the barrel. Sometime on rare occasion leakage at the gas key but highly unlikely, my rule of thumb despite many that may bit*h let'em hit the deflector not 1 & 3 ping that brass to the ass. The thought process here is reliability with wide range of ammunition for combat purposes. If you have an AR for comp then SHTMFF and oh darn I can only find sh*tty AZZ Wolf so my SH*T don't run you deserve to be eaten by da zombies anyway for fucking with a good design to begin with. JMHMFO. MGSGT USMC Armoror 28 years.

  5. I had an issue like that where it would chamber but wouldn't cock the hammer. I figured out the trigger spring was missing and that stopped it from reseting the hammer and sometimes it would burst fire 2 rounds.

  6. I had this issue today at the range with an Anderson 24" hbar complete upper… At home barrel break in was flawless…. Only one shot at a time…. It was mated with a dpms spotical lower i baught a year ago with over a 1000 rounds through… And i baught a psa lower to replace that one. Saying all this the range officer notice my issues as he seen me switch lowers to eliminate the possibility of incompatibility with uppers and suggested switching bcg's …. Then to my supise both guns ran flawlessly after watching this video and some other research my conclusion is the cheaper warn in bcg from the dpms was less tight in the new anderson upper and with the warn cheaper dpms upper the new anderson bcg functions perfectly…. After a couple hundred rounds im going to try switching them back to see what happens…. Hope this experience is helpful to others scratching their heads… Thanks to the helpful range officer i quickly figured this out and my range day wasn't a bust!

  7. Seriously! Who the hell in his /her right mind, brain or conscious would own a freaking weak, shabby and unreliable AR ?? ….. No !! the brand does not matter. Move on !!

  8. hi my problem is the bolt does not back far enough to successfully chamber the next round, 0:10 second this vidio

    , I could detect this leak as shown in this video but I did not want to correct without knowing if this is something normal in the weapon or really if it is an important leak, I hope you can help me

  9. Maybe next time show the procedure and maybe have a link to the hone you used if it was a 400 grit or an 800 Grit just for the new Shooters out there that are having a similar problem

  10. I just bought my ar and this keeps happening, when I fire a round the case doesn’t eject. I have to manually eject it by cocking my rifle every time I shoot. Would this flex hone help me out?

  11. Excellent vid! I just returned from the range with my 80% 11.5" AR carbine length pistol build and it shot and cycled well, but didn't lock back the bolt on last round? The empties were new and shiny and landed at 5 o'clock 6 feet away? I think I'll let it break in maybe before altering anything. Thanks again, G.

  12. I went through at least 15 videos prior to finding this one and suffered through a whole lot of listening to a bunch of stuttering and useless nonsense to listen to while non of it was even slightly useful much less anything helpful. Then I find Serbu's video and learn more than all the other videos combined without him even saying a word. It's like going from watching South Park for educational videos to learning from a Jedi. Lol. Like Obi Mark kenobee or Darth Serbu, Luke SerbuWalker, (no?) how about, Yodabu. Maybe….. Chewbaccarbu? ………. I've got it!! "HAN SERBU"
    Thanks for the video! Lol

  13. Have an AR rifle with20' barrel, rifle gas system and rifle stock/ buffer, it is short stroking, brass ejects fine and not frosty, bolt just not coming far enough back to pick up a fresh round also will obviously lock open on last shot.
    checked gas system and no obstructions or leaks, the buffer spring feels much stiffer when pulling the charging handle back, so I'm thinking the spring is too strong

  14. I had to change a rifle buffer out for a carbine buffer in an a2 build. Barrel was under gassed for the setup. 20 inch barrel. Changed out just the buffer, flawless.

  15. had this problem, took apart, cleaned, oiled, still same problem. finally dribbled a little oil down buffer tube, so far seems to be working alright. hope it stays that way. it would sure be a simple fix

  16. A lot of barrels come with the gas port too small. I've fixed two barrels with this problem by checking the gas port size on a working barrel and drilling the gas ports to that size. works every time. the slightest amount of change in size is a huge difference. Don't over size the hole! If I remember correctly the carbine systems work well with a .067 gas port, and mid length was a .082. no need to change buffers and springs, Just gas!

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