Goat Guns emailed me asking to show off some of their products. Here is my first look at these mini replica firearms.
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There real one out there, that's mini and shoot
this is some bull shit he posted
What is the price of this gun? How I order that one?
Those guns are really Cute
You speak in such a choppy way it is so hard to understand where you are trying to go.
This item is sold on goat guns website
Use this link of purchase to get a discount
This review is horrible! You studder way to much and you dont even know what you are doing! So sloppy! Step your game up!
So they are metal…?
For 40$,it’s a really good deal
I want a lever action or an M-1 carbine
The upper and lower doesn’t look like it can be removed…
You guys can purchases these on http://www.goatguns.com these are the creators or sellers
bring it to school
I came looking for a video so see the review. I think I'm sold… dammit
We can arm a whole battalion of cats with these.
Living in Australia, I’m glad I found something I can mess around with that won’t have the FBI knocking at my door.
the video is 4:20 long. 420
I need gold AK-47
The perfectly keychain hehehe
Samda thx to meke this review becaus i want to see it before i buy it and i gonna buy it today cant wait til it areves
He is a giant
As someone who don't have any experience in firearms, I got to say
I don't know anything about guns.
You should give me the ar fifteen
It is actually a Mr not ar 15 is has auto
Is this stuff dangerous?
Are these made of metal
Aren't you a little to old to still be plaing with toys? I swear this country is so fucked up today.
Wish they built some lmg's
Yeah but where do you get an ACOG that small?
Modern Midget Warfare
Does it shoot
How many Models do they make, Scars etc ?.
This is banned in california
Me bendes una
Bolt lock and release don't function???
If only they made those to shot flys lol.i know they have one that shot salt but it doesn't look like a ar or a ak.
Could you please do the sniper's next? Pretty please
A Russian guy makes awesome fully functioning miniature firearms that fire scaled down ammo…………the price starts at 70,0000 Euro!
I wish these fired like a small 2mm micro bb
Russia has a miniature gun manufacturer, but they cost $10-300k a piece, everything fires, suppressors work, 100% auto on ak's and such
Can I buy it
AK 47 s and AK74 107 are always better than US guns
Bao nhiêu tiền vậy
Nate Babi
can u shoot them